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While the chaos of '#AcceleratedCitizensAccess' to #GPrecords continues to unfold:

...we've come across some perturbing items on the agenda for @NHSDigital's Board meeting this afternoon 👇 which I'll pick up on in this [Thread].…
First, beginning on page 158, are some Directions that @NHSEngland must know will be HIGHLY controversial - given they are telling @NHSDigital to use @PalantirTech's #Foundry to collect *patient level identifiable data* from hospitals... 1 Executive Summary  NHS England are directing NHS Digital t
I'll tweet as I do a read-through, but even these first two paragraphs are incoherent, e.g. " a way that will enable." Enable what?

And if @NHSEngland Directs NHSD to use #Palantir, NHSE is *determining the purposes and means of processing* - i.e. it is a #DataController... Whether you are a controller or processor depends on a numbe
Read 25 tweets
Listen to one of our founders!

Show your support for #SchoolStrike2021 if you can.

How to be involved and demonstrate your support…
1. On Friday October 1st (10/1) if you can please remove your children for one day from in person education.

2. Post a photo of your child’s school uniform (with a mask as this should be part of school uniform right now) hanging up on Friday October 1st Image
3. DM us a 30 second video that can be shared on all platforms stating where you are (country an region) and why you are supporting #SchoolStrike2021

4. Change your profile pic to a duck to signify that currently children in schools are #SittingDucks ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets

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