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Nov 1st 2022
While the chaos of '#AcceleratedCitizensAccess' to #GPrecords continues to unfold:

...we've come across some perturbing items on the agenda for @NHSDigital's Board meeting this afternoon 👇 which I'll pick up on in this [Thread].…
First, beginning on page 158, are some Directions that @NHSEngland must know will be HIGHLY controversial - given they are telling @NHSDigital to use @PalantirTech's #Foundry to collect *patient level identifiable data* from hospitals... 1 Executive Summary  NHS England are directing NHS Digital t
I'll tweet as I do a read-through, but even these first two paragraphs are incoherent, e.g. " a way that will enable." Enable what?

And if @NHSEngland Directs NHSD to use #Palantir, NHSE is *determining the purposes and means of processing* - i.e. it is a #DataController... Whether you are a controller or processor depends on a numbe
Read 25 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
An introduction to Data Communication 🧵
In simple terms, communication is how you share information with someone else. Every day, you are receiving (and sending) communications using your senses: sight 👁️, hearing 👂, touch ✋, smell 👃, and taste 👅
Now, think about how you communicate your data. Chances are, you use just one of the five senses - the sense of sight 👁️. This is data visualization; how data is communicated visually 📊. But you are not limited to this sense in how you can communicate data.
Read 34 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
Hello Data Analyst,

Let’s talk about #dashboards.

They assist you to share insights effectively to guide decision makers.

If done with care, they are visually appealing & tell insightful stories about the data.

10 things you should bear in mind when designing a dashboard...
1. Design for a target. Who will use the dashboard? What are their needs? Do the insights in the dashboard address the needs?

2.Pick the right charts.

See my previous tweet on visualization.
3. Keep it simple. How easy is it to access key insights? Leave out the noise.

4. Keep everything at a glance. Don’t overcrowd the dashboard. Enhance accessibility.

5. Show important context – Filters, tooltips, chart titles, descriptions etc.
Read 6 tweets
May 6th 2022
I see #NHSEx has published the slides from its @HDR_UK “Data Access & Discovery” event, charmingly subtitled “A Forest Through the TREs” - on YouTube, if you want to listen:

*I thought the phrase was “cannot see the forest for the TREs”, but hey...
Let’s take a look:…

One reason we use the category term #TRE to refer to Trusted Research (or any other use) Environments that meet the #FiveSafes is that everyone wants to call their own TRE something different, so no-one really knows what they mean...
Call yours what you like (e.g. for @ONS it's their Secure Research Service) but if it only does four #Safes, or three Safes - and if it isn’t also #consensual and fully #transparent - then it's not a #trustworthy TRE...
Read 24 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
Finally, the #GoldacreReview is published! (During Parliamentary Easter holidays, mid-ping-pong on the #HealthAndCareBill...)

It's 221 pages - each PDF page is a double page spread - so this could be a lo-o-o-ong [Thread].

Here goes...
First point to note, in the Terms of Reference (p5), is that this is about "access to #NHSdata by #researchers, #commissioners, and #innovators" - i.e. #Planning and #CommercialReUse - so it is directly relevant to the operation of millions of people's #NationalDataOptOuts... Terms of reference for the review  1. How do we facilitate a
"185 wide-ranging recommendations for us to explore", says @sajidjavid (p6). Gulp! Time for some coffee...

"systems that ensure #underrepresented groups are well represented" may (partly) refer to this "landmark review", which got off to a slow start:… The far-reaching independent review into potential ethnic bi
Read 159 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
On this I can agree with @Dominic2306, and go further.

#SW1 #IT and #IG has been in a parlous state for well over a DECADE, and more.

A year and a slew of inquiries after the @HMRC #ChildBenefit #DataBreach in 2007, we #FOIed every Government Department about the #databases...
..of #PersonalData they held. (Initially just the ones containing over 1 million records.)

I'll have to dig up the responses, but I clearly remember only 4 or 5 (out of 24) even had an #InformationAssetRegister, i.e. just a basic list of all the #databases for which they were...

The responses from @cabinetofficeuk & @10DowningStreet were even more appalling; they admitted allowing officials to routinely make copies of #population-scale data "for policy reasons" with no #oversight, no #audit, no defined #IG processes, and no idea of...
Read 13 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
Hmm. Are you 100% certain about that, Dom? @NHSEngland's #PrivacyNotice for the #COVID19DataStore clearly states otherwise 👇…

The #dashboards may(?) only show aggregate numbers, but those numbers were generated from individual-level data...
…i.e. from #PersonalData, as is also clearly stated in the #DPIA 👇…

Indeed, it says the strategic dashboard "will display ... record level pseudonymised data” and (as a data expert) you will of course know that #pseudonymised data is #personal data…
...and has been *in law*, as well as in practice, since at least May 2018.

@ICOnews published some helpful (draft) guidance just last month that can point you in the right direction if there's any confusion:…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 10th 2021
The man's either lying or he's DANGEROUSLY ignorant / ill-informed.

Hancock can't have missed that Cummings' henchman Ben, who attended SAGE, was the brother of Marc Warner (CEO of Faculty Science Ltd, formerly ASI Data Science Ltd) that built the #dashboards Matty Moo-Moos... loves, on top of @PalantirTech's Foundry "#DataPlatform" (remember those words!) that @NHSEngland has contracted for another 2 YEARS, to feed data from NHSE's ever-so-untransparent #DataStore.

But let's push it further - away from the now-defunct @CamAnalytica - in the...
...direction of the notoriously 👇👇👇 bullshitting:…

#AI company that also happens to be @MattHancock's GP:…

A company Hancock appears to be pushing his @NHSX minions to use to replace #NHS111 triage...…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
So let's unpack this.

We hear a lot about "#dashboards"; we were even promised sight of one, back in March* - though we've not seen it yet.

But what are they, in reality?

*… ImageImage
Well, for starters, we know quite a bit about @NHSEngland's 'dashboard(s)': back in March, @MattHancock gave it powers to DEMAND confidential patient information from care providers*, for (broadly defined) "#COVID19 purposes"...

Under the #COPInotices:…
...and we know @NHSEngland's hoovering up *at least* 70 different datasets into its #DataStore (the list at is no longer comprehensive due to the controversial contents of some of the datasets).

As its "#PrivacyNotice" points out,… Image
Read 13 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Read 354 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Read 354 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
@QualDash is a #dashboard generation engine that allows the dynamic configuration & deployment of #visualisation dashboards for #healthcare quality improvement. By @MaiShehaly @HCIforHealthIT @tasha_alvarado @IEEEXplore @IEEETBioCAS
Adapting #dashboard design to different contexts of use is an open question in #visualisation research.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 18th 2020
Exactly this.

Compare this 👇 section of the @voxdotcom article to which Rachel refers, with @NHSEngland's #COVID19 '#DataStore', with its stated long-term ambitions, that @medConfidential laid out for Parliament *in March 2019*:… Image
While @NHSEngland has made some stupid, dangerous mistakes ("NHS Foundry") people losing their minds over @PalantirTech's involvement is exactly what @10DowningStreet & @faculty_ai are banking on. By the time folks understand what #Foundry actually does, they'll have moved on...
...the "#dashboards" (just as in USA, still secret - not from No10 but from local #PublicHealth teams tells you all you need to know) will have been recommissioned. Made permanent, so Whitehall technocrats can tell NHS professionals (or their replacements) how to run hospitals...
Read 6 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Sumémonos a una iniciativa que están haciendo en otros países.

Vamos a hacer un hilo con los #TablerosDeDatos (#Dashboards) sobre COVID19 en Colombia.

Empiezo con el Tablero de Estimaciones de Rt en Colombia de @INSColombia… Image
Para participar en la iniciativa, por favor:

- Explicar en qué consiste el tablero
- Poner el link/enlace al tablero
- Poner una foto

En el mismo portal de @INSColombia hay varios tableros muy útiles. Por ejemplo el de #Muestras

En este se puede ver por municipio por día
- Número de muestras
- Positividad

Por ejemplo, para Quibdó… ImageImage
Read 3 tweets

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