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Feb 23rd 2023

Tell me a better combination


#Arbitrum #crosschain #RELAY
This thread will cover

1️⃣What is Relay?
2️⃣Why Relay
3️⃣Relay and Staking
4️⃣Relay and security
6️⃣HoW to bridge
7️⃣Recent happening
8️⃣Useful links
1️⃣what is Relay

Relay is a Cross chain bridge aggregator that seamlessly connect different blockchain
networks. It enables the easy transfer of assets between one blockchain to another enabling "interoperability"
Read 16 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
25/🔥 The way it works is quite clever. Once a miner completes block confirmation, information about the new block is broadcasted within the shard and only block headers are broadcasted to the entire #MultiVAC sharding system
26/ As each header only takes up 400 bytes of space, even when #MultiVAC will reach 1 million TPS, the blockchain will only require 5 to 20Mbps of network bandwidth 💪🏻
27/ #MultiVAC tech innovation greatly reduces the hardware requirements to run nodes, conserves transmission resources, and prevents the occurrence of network’s “transmission storms” that can clog normal L1 blockchains
Read 23 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
0/🔥 By popular demand, here is the full thread ⬇️ about the stunning technology of $ETH 3.0…sometimes referred to as #MultiVAC 😉🚀

And yes, it’s in two parts - thanks @Twitter 🤷🏼
Part two starts with: 25/🔥
(somewhere down my tweets)

$MTV @MultiVAC_Global @shawnyingtju
1/ Did you know that all-dimensional sharding is one of #MultiVAC’s major innovations that will make it the public - largely scalable - blockchain of the future? 💎🔥
But what is all-dimensional sharding, in simple words? 🤔
2/ Let’s start with sharding itself… what is it?
Sharding is the division of a blockchain into smaller fragments. Running transactions from those fragments in parallel increases the system’s overall throughput
Read 25 tweets

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