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Sep 27th 2020
Fighting between 🇦🇲/🇦🇿 on the #NagornoKarabakh (#Artsakh) frontlines is heavy.

Footage shows a Azerbaijani APC going up into flames
#NagornoKarabakh: the Armenian side has released more footage of Azerbaijani military vehicles being destroyed on the front.

Reports on the ground however state it's the Azerbaijani side gaining ground on several points
#NagornoKarabakh: Armenian forces are documenting some of the losses suffered by the Azerbaijani military along the front-line.

It is clear the Azerbaijani forces failed to advance on some positions
Read 32 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
1. The #NagornyKarabakh region has had so many skirmishes in the past 30 years that they tend to be forgotten. Now in a time of great social and economic stress dictators will use conflict as a diversion. Erdogan and Heydar Aliyev perhaps both feeling the heat and
2. having a convenient Christian enemy to attack could be just the ticket especially with Erdogan owning @POTUS @RealDonaldTrump and having been allowed to commit Christian genocide in Syria with Trump's blessing.

The area is 90.8% Armenian Christain and 9.2% Tartar and
3. Kurds. We know how Erdogan feels about the Kurds. Mountainous territory. My money's on the Kurds and the Armenians if they have some air support.
Read 3 tweets

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