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Jun 3rd 2023
1/15 *Thread*🧵US Housing Market 2023: An investors outlook🏠

Key trend: Low supply, strong demand. Let's explore why investing in this market cycle could yield strong returns.
#USHousingMarket #RealEstateInvesting #EconomicTrends Image
US added 339,000 jobs in May '23, surpassing predictions of 190,000. Unemployment rate is at a near 50-year low despite being up to 3.7%, above the 3.5% forecast. A robust labor market is fundamental to a thriving housing market.
#JobsReport #Unemployment Image
3/15 Interest rates are rising fast, yet the labor market is holding strong. The strong labor market translates into steady demand for housing, maintaining a positive outlook for property investors.
#InterestRates #LaborMarket
Read 16 tweets
May 25th 2021
The #housing mkt gets crazier by the day. Here are the highlights from this morning’s call with our nationwide experts: A builder in the mountain region had to stop taking reservations because their interest list is TWO YEARS LONG; Builders in a TX mkt went back to buyers and...
asked for $100K more on their contracts because of costs (25% increase); Two markets (and I’m sure it’s more) posted RECORD prices paid for lots by builders; You can’t walk in to buy a home today in a top SW market. “Nothing to buy”; Oklahoma is the most under the radar market...
that’s becoming on the radar; Spec homes are getting built in TX, but hundreds are frozen bc no bricks; “Entry level buyers are left in the dust”; Early signs of buyers pushing back on prices; “Aggressive” expansion plans are underway from the builders. Tight new home supply...
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