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Apr 5th 2020
I've supported @BernieSanders for pres since '15. He always seems to get what people want; honesty, fighting for workers & healthcare, consistency, & he keeps it policy based when debating Dems. He's a genuinely good person who actually cares.
But seeing how many in the establishment, the interviewers, politicians, and 'celebrities' who direct or influence public discourse through media, speaking out so harshly towards him makes me support him even more.
You see, I was bullied. I know personally what it's like to have the entire school and (some) teachers against you.
I know what it's like to have an incorrect narrative about me spread around and attempts to 'correct the record' are ignored.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 27th 2020
"The question & objection I keep hearing raised is this one: Why now? Why come in at the 11th hour when Joe Biden is on the verge of clinching the Democratic nomination?

The question of course is meant to undermine the claim and cast it as politically motivated...
...The more Red Scare conspiracy minded have taken that even one step further, going full Russian agent on Terra based on a Russia friendly blog post that she wrote as if her views on Russia remotely relate to Joe Biden's actions on that day in the 90s as if it's not far more...
...preposterous to imagine that Tara Reade is some Kremlin agent than that a powerful man committed an egregious Act.

But the story of "Why now?" is actually incredibly telling. It says everything about how our elite institutions routinely cover four powerful men...
Read 23 tweets

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