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Sep 18th 2021
🔔 Dr. Nicole O’Byrne was one of the very first high profile Frederictonians to support me in my first campaign to represent the people of #Fredericton South in the Legislative Assembly in 2014

Like me, she... 1/

#nbpoli #frederictonnb #explorefredericton #gpc #cdnpoli
2/ ...found that Green principles lined up nicely with hers, and she was a vocal champion for me. I trust Nicole with my vote.

In #Parliament, she will advocate for the urgent needs of #Fredericton families, our community...

#newbrunswick #nouveabrunswick #cdnpoli #oromocto
3/... and our environment. Growing up in a farm family, she learned the value of hard work, the sustenance the earth and #climate provides if treated respectfully, and the importance of family and community to our well-being...

#frederictonnb #elxn44 #newmarylandnb #mintonb
Read 4 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
Please RT. Knocking on #Fredericton, I have heard again and again the frustration of disillusioned people over broken promises, whether by Trudeau or Harper before him. No one has faced more... 1/

#WeAreAllTreatyPeople #NoMoreBrokenPromises #fredericton
2/ ...broken promises than the #FirstNations of this land.

⚖️ Today marks 22 years since the Marshall Decision, when the courts upheld the Mi’kmaw right to fish outside the the federally imposed licensing system. Government was...

#nbpoli #frederictonnb #explorefredericton
3/...expected to work with the Mi’kmaq to define parameters and of course, that never happened. In the last year as the Mi’kmaq have begun defining their own fishery, local commercial fishers have...

#fredericton #nbpoli #oromocto #mintonb #newmarylandnb #elxn44
Read 5 tweets

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