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Jul 21st 2020
Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai. A #Thread

With #Geelani being sidelined, will the newly elected #Hurriyat Chief Sehrai make any difference, those who closely follow him say that he is even more hardliner than Geelani & will drown #Kashmir further into chaos
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Born in 1944 in Tickipora #Lolab, #Kupwara, his forefathers migrated to this part of #Kashmir before partition hailing from the Khans of #Pakistan. He is a staunch Pro-Pakistan supporter & vehemently advocates Kashmir's annexation to #Pakistan
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Sehrai did his initial education from #Sogam & B.A from #AMU. Like many other #Kashmiris, he was taught by #Kashmiri #pandit teachers. One of his childhood teachers was Gopi Nath Kaul..
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