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Nov 27th 2020
@ReverendWarnock asks what’s so wrong with a little peace, love and understanding? He wants to bring his message and his mission to make #GA and the United States, the place they could be...the place democracy shines like no other. Consider working with him..#SenateRunoff
@ossoff Jon Ossoff believes that we are a stronger as a country when we work together to solve our problems such as #COVID19 #healthcare #climatechange #immigrationreform #Racism #infrastructure #StudentDebtCrisis We’ve got to roll up our sleeves and help him! #SenateRunoff
“Loeffler, a former asset management executive, may well now have joined the "frenzy" of Wall Street money managers who leapt at a loophole in President Trump's 2017 tax bill that turns private jets into flying tax shelters.” #SenateRunoff #VoteRevRaphaelWARNOCK
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