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Jun 5th 2020
1/9 A statue of Frank #Rizzo, Philadelphia’s former police chief turned “law-and-order” mayor, was taken down from across City Hall after years of complaints that it was a monument to brutal, racist policing. It had become a rallying point for protestors. #Philadelphiaprotest Image
2/9 Rizzo rose to power during the fight for civil rights in the 1960s. As manufacturing left Philadelphia, he stoked a blue-collar conservatism that found intense support in white ethnic neighborhoods. Like President Trump, he styled himself as a straight talker. Image
3/9 Rizzo’s way with words was so remarkable even his opponents cashed in. In 1977, a chapter of the liberal group @ADAction published an anthology of Rizzo’s wildest quotes, “The Sayings of Chairman Frank, or I Never Saw My Mother Naked.” Some excerpts:
Read 9 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Philly police attempt to disperse crowd after hundreds mased/gassed on Parkway. This was @ 5:30 as curfew nears. Dude w/ white shirt provokes scuffle, shoves baton into civilian’s throat. #phillyprotest #blacklivesmatter #GeorgeFloydprotests #protests2020
Watch white Philly officer in slow motion, goes directly for the jugular in middle of peaceful protest.
#phillyprotest #blacklivesmatter #philadelphiaprotest
@CBSPhilly @jpegjoshua @PhillyWeekly @PhillyInquirer @NBCPhiladelphia
UPDATE: The individual arrested in video above was released from custody Wednesday after his lawyer discovered this video and another on YouTube. Thanks to all who shared. Full story from @wbender99:…
Read 6 tweets
May 30th 2020
1/Last night a Police station was taken over by protesters and demolished. The Police had to flee
Read 151 tweets

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