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Jan 16th 2023
Only 785 views & 3 comments🤦‍♂️

Hope it's due to 1000s of other uploads w millions of views

#SwineFlu #GuillainBarréSyndrome #X53aVaccine

NB #SpanishFlu not even Swine Flu was #BirdFlu

Vaccine used was 2nd UNTESTED version NOT 1 described in consent form
Only 785 views/3 replies🤦‍♂️

Hope it's as 1000s of other uploads w millions of views

#SwineFlu #GuillainBarréSyndrome #X53aVaccine #Covid

NB #SpanishFlu not even Swine Flu was #BirdFlu

Vaccine used was 2nd UNTESTED version NOT 1 described in consent form
Wow! Only 785 views & three comments!🤦‍♂️

I hope it's because there are thousands of other uploads of this with millions of views all over YouTube!!!

#SwineFlu #1976SwineFlu #SwineFlu1976 #GuillainBarréSyndrome #GBS #X53aVaccine #X53aSwineFluVaccine #COVID
Read 14 tweets
May 29th 2021
*वैक्सीन का इतिहास 👇

*पिछले 100 वर्षों में विश्व में 5 महामारी आई जिनकी वैक्सीन बना कर उन महामारिओं पर काबू पाया गया।*

*1) टिटनेस की वैक्सीन बनी थी 1924 में और भारत आई 1978 में अर्थात 54 वर्षों बाद।*
*2) जापानी एन्सेफेलाइटिस वैक्सीन बनी 1930 में और भारत आई 2013 में अर्थात 83 वर्ष बाद।*

*3) पोलियो की वैक्सीन बनी 1955 में और भारत आई 1978 में अर्थात 23 वर्ष बाद।*

*4) हेपेटाइटिस बी की वैक्सीन बनी 1982 में और भारत आई 2002 में अर्थात 20 वर्ष बाद।*
*5) रोटा वायरस की वैक्सीन बनी 1998 में और भारत आई 2015 में अर्थात 17 वर्ष बाद।*

*उक्त में से कोई भी वैक्सीन भारत में नहीं बनी। क्योंकि तत्कालीन सरकार ने भारत को सपेरों का देश बना रखा था।*
Read 6 tweets
Apr 11th 2020
As the world battles #COVID19, and is desperately waiting for a vaccine...let's look back at a historic milestone on April 12, 1955.

It was on this day 65 years ago, when American virologist Dr Jonas Salk, announced his discovery of the first effective #PolioVaccine.

"The field trial set up to test the Salk vaccine was... "the most elaborate program of its kind in history, involving 20,000 physicians and public health officers, 64,000 school personnel, and 220,000 volunteers." Over 1.8 million schoolchildren took part in the trial."
"News was made public of the vaccine's success on April 12, 1955, and Salk was hailed as a "miracle worker" and the day almost became a national holiday. An immediate rush to vaccinate began around the world, with countries beginning polio immunization campaigns..."
Read 8 tweets

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