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Jan 16th 2023
Only 785 views & 3 comments🤦‍♂️

Hope it's due to 1000s of other uploads w millions of views

#SwineFlu #GuillainBarréSyndrome #X53aVaccine

NB #SpanishFlu not even Swine Flu was #BirdFlu

Vaccine used was 2nd UNTESTED version NOT 1 described in consent form
Only 785 views/3 replies🤦‍♂️

Hope it's as 1000s of other uploads w millions of views

#SwineFlu #GuillainBarréSyndrome #X53aVaccine #Covid

NB #SpanishFlu not even Swine Flu was #BirdFlu

Vaccine used was 2nd UNTESTED version NOT 1 described in consent form
Wow! Only 785 views & three comments!🤦‍♂️

I hope it's because there are thousands of other uploads of this with millions of views all over YouTube!!!

#SwineFlu #1976SwineFlu #SwineFlu1976 #GuillainBarréSyndrome #GBS #X53aVaccine #X53aSwineFluVaccine #COVID
Read 14 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/30/2021…
Democracy preserves dignity, a means to an end, not an end itself…

#democracy, #dignity, #society, #individual, #rights, #freedoms
Read 15 tweets
Dec 12th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/12/2021…
Fans Pour Funding—and Faith—Into a Hit Drama About Jesus…

#entertainment, #movies, #TheChosen, #ChristianThemes
Reductionism vs. emergence: Are you “nothing but” your atoms?…

#emergence, #reductionism, #science, #philosophy
Read 20 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
Starting #UnsungHeroesImmuno. Did you know about Onesimus and his knowledge of variolation? 1/
#UnsungHeroesImmuno What about Dr. William Augustus Hinton and his work with syphilis? 2/
#UnsungHeroesImmuno We also have Drs. Louis Tompkins Wright and Jane Cook Wright, a father-daughter pair that changed the field of oncology. 3/
Read 14 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/24/2021…
COVID-19 is evolving to become more airborne, says recent study…

#COVID19 #variants #AirborneTransmissibility
winter is coming, and the vaccine narrative is about to shift…

#COVID19 #seasonality #vaccinations #surges #winter #consequences
Read 8 tweets
Feb 21st 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/21/2021…
This Blizzard Exposes The Perils Of Attempting To ‘Electrify Everything…

#blizzard #electrified
Read 10 tweets
Feb 4th 2021
Me preguntan cómo así las vacunas contra el #SARSCoV2 se han desarrollado tan rápido en comparación con otras vacunas. Acá algunas razones. Abro hilo.
1. Inversión. En la carrera por tener una herramienta eficaz para hacerle frente a la pandemia los estados e instituciones (Us, farmacéuticas, etc) han realizado una inversión millonaria. Por esa razón muchos países tienen acceso a ellas antes que otras. Inversión a riesgo.
2. Desarrollo científico. La ciencia está en su máximo nivel en la historia. Un ejemplo: el genoma completo del #SARSCoV2 se obtuvo a un mes de haber identificado al virus. Un mes después ya se tenía el prototipo de la vacuna de ARN mensajero.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
We need some #GoodNews. Yes, this is a study in mice but this is so far the first peer-reviewed #coronavirus #vaccine study with promising results in @EBioMedicine published by @TheLancet from @PittTweet @UPMCnews @PittHealthSci vaccinologists
When tested in mice, the #vaccine, delivered through a fingertip-sized patch, produces #antibodies specific to #SARSCoV2 #virus. Researchers were able to act quickly because they already laid the groundwork during earlier #coronavirus #epidemics.
Compared to the experimental #mRNA #vaccine that entered clinical trials, this one - called #PittCoVacc, short for #Pittsburgh #Coronavirus Vaccine - follows a more established approach, using lab-made pieces of viral protein to build immunity (same way current #flu shots work)
Read 8 tweets

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