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Dec 21st 2019
DOJ Inspector General #Horowitz provided an in-depth and damning portrayal of the @FBI’s actions in its #Surveillance of @CarterWPage.

Here are 21 key quotes from the #IGReport and his testimony.

(Thread👇) Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
@FBI @carterwpage @themarketswork 1. #Horowitz Didn’t Receive Satisfactory Explanations for @FBI Behavior

@FBI @carterwpage @themarketswork 2. #Horowitz Stated He Was ‘Deeply Concerned’ by @FBI’s Numerous Errors

Read 23 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
“There is such a range of conduct here that is inexplicable… Our final recommendation was to refer the entire chain of command,” #IGHorowitz said. (Thread👇)

News Analysis🔎by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
The newly released #IGReport noted the material failures of the @FBI—“not only the operational team, but also of the managers and supervisors, including senior officials, in the chain of command”—with regard to the #FISA warrant application on Trump campaign aide @CarterWPage.
#IGHorowitz’s findings were so significant that he recommended the @FBI’s “entire chain of command” outlined in his report to the #DOJ for “consideration of how to assess and address their performance failures.”…
Read 70 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
#BrokenMedia | #PoliticalBias | #BroadcastMedia | I think we all get why off shore oligarch billionaires who own the press hate Corbyn but why are the “independent” TV news biased?
This Thread on that blatant bias, first Jeremy himself calls it out..
#BrokenMedia | #PoliticalBias | #BroadcastMedia | The bias against Corbyn has led to the distortion of truth on an industrial scale. Here @OwenJones84 calls out just one example much to the BBC presenter’s annoyance
#BrokenMedia | #PoliticalBias | #BroadcastMedia | The BBC, strangely for the “impartial” public broadcaster is the most biased. Listen to this clip on how the BBC describe Corbyn to its World Service audience as being in the “pro Soviet Union camp”
Read 7 tweets

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