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May 8th 2023

#GuerreEnUkraine D+439 (08/05) PdS1 - Théâtre du #Donbass

Quelque chose se passe dans le #Donbass !

Depuis 7 jours, 🇺🇦 contre-attaquent localement, avec succès, sur toute la ligne de front…
Ils testent les forces et faiblesses 🇷🇺 et les font bouger

cosaque😍 Image

A #bakhmut, au 267è jour de siège, le valeureux dernier poste 🇺🇦 tient toujours !

Cher(e)s ami(e)s, honneur aux #AFU combattantes et résistantes !


Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé le journal CDXXXVIII de #GuerreEnUkraine, le voici👇

Read 19 tweets
May 3rd 2023
#Ukraine May 03, updates from @escortert.
Usualy Macette Escortert threads are in two parts
-> PdS1, #Donbass Theater
-> PdS2, #Zaporizhia #Crimea #Russia #Backstage
Here is the PdS1 for today
1/n #Ukraine May 03
#WarInUkraine D+434 (May 03) PdS1 - Theater of #Donbass

The initiative has changed sides

#AFU are on the move and counterattacking in #Donbass, in #Bakhmut, towards #Avdiivka, in #marinka

2/n #Ukraine May 03

Time machine,
If you missed the CDXXXIII diary of #WarInUkraine, here it is👇
Read 20 tweets
May 3rd 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+434 (03/05) PdS1 - Théâtre du #Donbass

L’initiative a changé de camp

#AFU sont à la manoeuvre et contre-attaquent dans le #Donbass, à #Bakhmut, vers #Avdiivka, à #marinka


Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé le journal CDXXXIII de #GuerreEnUkraine, le voici👇


1/segment nord, #Kupyansk-#Svatove-#Kreminna

(i) Dans la direction de #Kupyansk, R.A.S. (ce qui n'est pas exclusif d'échanges d'artillerie)

(ii) Dans la direction de #Svatove, l’état-major #AFU signale des attaques à #Novoselivske

Aucun changement de la ligne de front👇 Image
Read 17 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Hello there!
have a great week end you all.
Bon week end à tous!

2/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on March 18, 2023
#RussianArmy are blocked almost everywhere. no real changes were recorded lately, only in the area of #Bakhmut, some minor progress have been noticed.
but nothing as real danger for now
3/ "Day 388 of the russian full-scale invasion has begun.
yesterday night Ru launched 34x air strikes. 11x of them employed Shahed-136 UAVs. 10x of these UAVs were destroyed by Ukrainian air defense units, but unfortunately, 1x hit an industrial infrastructure facility. (Per Gen
Read 30 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on March 15, 2023
quick update -
#RussianArmy is not making any progress all along the 700km of frontline except for some marginals gains in the #Bakhmut area & in the city
Quick recap of last infos
#UkraineMap Image
2/ So basically the situation remains the same in the north East : " #Kupyansk and #Lyman axes: the adversary does not abandon its attempts to break through the defense of Ukrainian troops. The enemy conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in the vicinities of settlements of
3/ #Bilohorivka and "Spirne. Ru are shelling like crazy fcks with artillery at the vicinities of settlements of #Dvorichna, #Hryanykivka, #Kupyansk, #Krokhmalne (Kharkiv oblast), #Novoselivske, #Nevske, #Dibrova, #Bilohorivka (Luhansk)
so situation is quite unchanged there...
Read 21 tweets

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