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Nov 19th 2019

And *because* France isn’t one, could *this* be why .@ClarenceHouse (and the (so–called) “Royal Protection Squad” – hand-in-glove w/MI6 (i.e. the SIS, etc., ad nausea) had to wait until Diana, Princess of Wales, was in France until the .@RoyalFamily
2/ had Whitehall itself issue the assasination directive to their .fr counterparts (… — “The Murder of Princess Diana: Revealed: The Truth Behind the Assassination of the Century (Unabridged)” by Noel Botham) — only reclaiming (through subsequent anonymous
3/ (but traceable) purchase / via @Sothebys) the items both Diana and Dodi Al Fayed had consulted (being already owned by Dodi’s father) — *because* Dodi Al Fayed ~ through his being related #Khassogi ~ consulted them in the first place?

I.e. WHAT could Dodi — and Diana — have
Read 28 tweets
Jun 4th 2019
#Winning @Avery1776

Russian arms manufacturers pull out of Venezuela over late payments… via @telegraphnews
@Avery1776 and @BenKTallmadge if Rostec was part of #Skolkovo and around 2016 FVEYs thought Russia was a large problem why was this guy working at a British Higher school of Design?…
Rostec and Gulftainer.....@Avery1776 knows how excited I get when I hear Gulftainer…
Read 8 tweets
Jun 11th 2018
1) This dig was inspired by reading "FBI Anon" posts who proved to be correct on a number of things. See:… for more details. He said to focus on the Clinton Foundation. So that is what I attempted to do. Image
2) Reviewing the publicly available 990 Tax forms on the CF, I discovered that the CF has many many different entities in other countries. The donors that we see are only for the Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Health Access Initiative, and the CF.
3) However, they have a few main foundations in Sweden, UK, Kenya, and Hong Kong that do not disclose the donors. I could not find any information on the donors for those entities. They also have a personal family foundation that is not showing up in the tax documents. ImageImage
Read 17 tweets

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