And *because* France isn’t one, could *this* be why .@ClarenceHouse (and the (so–called) “Royal Protection Squad” – hand-in-glove w/MI6 (i.e. the SIS, etc., ad nausea) had to wait until Diana, Princess of Wales, was in France until the .@RoyalFamily
Given the proximity of the date range in question to 1928, could Diana, Princess of Wales, have
The #Rothschilds, .@RoyalFamily, .@ClintonFdn – and (incl.) through .@JohnBrennan, the .@CIA, and through #Mueller (yes, a blood relative of Heinrich), the .@FBI, and through both / via .@crownagentsusa, the #KnightsofMalta,

using a Post–WWI—deflated (and almost geographically annihilated (ala the (actual) “Pastoral Policy” of Hans Morgenthal Sr., last publicly known location of the original document being the
discovered a “StarGate” in Egypt in the 1920’s — the last of them are still hoping to be able to continue using — through
If so — and to the end of using #UraniumOne, the (paid for) #ClubK missile delivery system <> (bought (off) through .@RosatomGlobal — ℅ would–be pipelines through Ukraine — assurance (on behalf of
Why would .@Australia [🇦🇺] not be — or for that matter, what has the reason it is (mostly) uninhabitable already (by any *other* than the indigenous people here who never did leave) — have to do with ANY
In a directly related way — <…> — could all of this have been the reason for the remote redirecting of both #MH370 and #MH17 to #DiegoGarcia** — so that neither of the .@Boeing aircraft could
• <>
• <…>
• <>:
• <…> —>
• <…>
— “In fact it’s been reported by some that Peid Ong Wang, Suzhou, Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, Zhihong Cheng,
• <…> —>
/ via .@HonTonyAbbott (in replacing .@MrKRudd,
7 Pt Thread: From: Pt 2:
• < >
Relevance: 2 Pt Thread:
Pt 1:
• < >
Pt 2:
• < > — The one
Why is a #Jesuit organisation needed — in Australia — to “study” the United States?
A.: (1) <> ~ (2) <>
Conclusion, .@realDonaldTrump: Where are all the bodies actually buried?
Sometimes to save the present, you have to see the past — not to invite the same ol’ kind of “future” — but to create a new one. Now.
How? Trans-dimensionally — <…>.
How do I know?
2 Pt Thread:
Pt 1:
• < >
• < > #ASEAN2019 window per: <…>
Who could possibly have been responsible for <…> — given: < >?
A.: < > — but, “Enjoy!”? No:
Perhaps you should
^^ And <…> — make the time, before time now un–makes you.
Following 2 Pts of Thread:
• — read entire thread.