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Nov 3rd 2022
Finishing up my backlog, this being the first, as we don't typically put focus on what happens to domesticated plants as much as we do with animals, and I thought I'd change that.

#specevo #speculativeevolution #elephants #rhino #pumpkins #worldbuilding #speculativefiction
For Avocados and Gourds, with their large seeds and large and tough shells, it's essentially pleistocene rewilding, as now they have megafauna again to spread disperse their seeds (and of course, descendants of animals who have recognized pumpkins as a treat).
For the dragonfruit, it's essentially inspired by how much elephants took a liking to invasive Prickly pear fruit, and dragonfruit is VERY popular in shoutheast asia (including my own home, Indonesia).

Smaller fruits, from plums to apples to peaches, also have more dispersers.
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Oct 21st 2021
The #Halloween season is upon us, and as you can see, we are in a festive mood here at GOPC. This week, we are devoting our #GOPCThread to highlighting some of the spooky, creepy, and hunted locals across the great state ofπŸŽƒhiπŸŽƒ
Vacant & in disrepair, the apparition of #USA’s oldest 19th century theater haunted downtown #MtVernonOH for decades. Thru a restoration fueled by #taxcredits & persistence, the @woodwardopera rose from the dead & is a part of the downtown renaissance πŸ‘» #GOPCThread
To the north in @MansfieldOhio lies the @OSReformatory, abandoned in 1990 and purportedly haunted by the spirits of its past occupants, the ex-prison is a major tourist destination and a favorite filming location for #Hollywood films, tv & music videos πŸ‘»
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Oct 8th 2021
As an anti-fascist advocate for racial, gender, and economic equality, nothing about critical race theory has ever once made me ashamed of the color of my skin.
It's the rest of the stupid stuff white people do.
#CriticalRaceTheory #pumpkins Image
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