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#Thread on

#SarbatKhalsa #ਸਰਬੱਤ_ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ

meaning of 👏🏻“Sarbat Khalsa👏🏻
“is (All The Khalsa)
it literally Translates to The entire Sikh Population

The first Sarbat Khalsa was called by the 10th Sikh guru,#GuruGobindSingh before his death in 1708
#Vaisakhi #Punjab
The first Sarbat Khalsa was called by the tenth guru, #GuruGobindSingh before his death in 1708 and the tradition of calling #SarbatKhalsa has continued ever since at times of hardship or conflict.👇
After the demolition of the #MahantSystem by the #Khalsa Panth, S.#KartarSinghJhabbar called the Sarbat Khalsa in 1920.He was not the Jathedar of the #AkalTakht but a #Sikh leader. In the resolution of that Sarbat Khalsa,#TejaSinghBhuchhar was announced as Jathedar of AkalTakht👇
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Here are tips for a #WinningCVForOnlineApplication when using online tracking system (ATS) when applying for a job online (THREAD).
First, ATS is software used by recruiters and employers during hiring process to collect, sort, scan, and rank the job applications.
Here I am talking about jobs that need you to create a personal profile on the company's website. I am not referring to sending your application through email.
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This AT, we're turning a corner on our mission in Atropia. #armyreserving
Revelation: if you aren't sure what you're supposed to do in any given job or role in the Army, maybe start by looking up the pub that has your job description in it. #references #protip #armyreserving
Nutritional counterinsurgency. #armyreserving Image
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