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Mar 29th 2023
#Thread on

#SarbatKhalsa #เจธเจฐเจฌเฉฑเจค_เจ–เจผเจพเจฒเจธเจพ

meaning of ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปโ€œSarbat Khalsa๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
โ€œis (All The Khalsa)
it literally Translates to The entire Sikh Population

The first Sarbat Khalsa was called by the 10th Sikh guru,#GuruGobindSingh before his death in 1708
#Vaisakhi #Punjab
The first Sarbat Khalsa was called by the tenth guru, #GuruGobindSingh before his death in 1708 and the tradition of calling #SarbatKhalsa has continued ever since at times of hardship or conflict.๐Ÿ‘‡
After the demolition of the #MahantSystem by the #Khalsa Panth, S.#KartarSinghJhabbar called the Sarbat Khalsa in 1920.He was not the Jathedar of the #AkalTakht but a #Sikh leader. In the resolution of that Sarbat Khalsa,#TejaSinghBhuchhar was announced as Jathedar of AkalTakht๐Ÿ‘‡
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Jan 3rd 2023
The population of #SikhEmpire during the time of Ranjit Singhโ€™s rule was estimated to be around 12 million people.
There were
8.4 million Muslims,
2.88 million Hindus and 722,000 Sikhs.
#Islam (70%)
#Hinduism (24%)
#Sikhism (6%)
Total Area in 1839 was
520,000 km2 (200,000 sq mi) Sikh Kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji
Capital was
#Gujranwala (1799โ€“1802)
#Lahore LahoreFort(1802โ€“1849)

Court language
Spoken #languages in #SikhKingdom #SikhEmpire

Punjabi (dynastic)Punjabi dialects (Saraiki, Hindko, Pahari-Pothwari),Kangri,Dogri,
Read 32 tweets
Feb 11th 2019
Vadda Ghallughara - Misaldaars

At this time of year we remember the โ€˜Vadda Ghallugharaโ€™ or Great Holocaust of 1762, when Ahmed Shah sought to wipe Sikhs off the face of the earth.
He attacked a convoy of 50,000 Sikh men, women and children. ImageImageImageImage
Half of them were massacred in one day. 50 cartloads of severed Sikh heads were taken to be hung at the gates of Lahore.
Sri Darbar Sahib was destroyed and the sarovar filled with slaughtered cows and the sarovar steps smashed. ImageImageImage
In those days, the darkest of Sikh history, with the blessing of Guru Sahib and the Chardi Kala spirit of never being broken or defeated, the Misaldaars led and inspired the Khalsa to such an extent that they took on and destroyed the previously undefeated Afghans. ImageImageImage
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