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Mar 8th 2023
Sextortion, It's Process And How To Deal With It

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The Process of Sextortion

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Who Are Victims of Sextortion

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Sep 28th 2022
How I deal with #sextortion :
I received a Hello from an attractive girl dp on WhatsApp.
I was curious.and wanted to know why that young girl wanted to be my friend, but accepted it.
She started sending me private messages.
She called me handsome and asked my age…
I told her I'm quite a bit senior to her.

We kept chatting for a few days, suddenly one day she asked if we could talk about adult things, I said OK.
Then she replied with a face like 🤪😉😜and said ok dude, you start."
I told her adult things like,
I snore like a steam engine, my knees hurts, I get back pain. Pass smelly gas, take laxatives daily, and have a good quality denture, wear the most expensive wig.

I was as quite honest about ADULT THINGS…
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Nov 24th 2021
Whenever I speak about Section 230, I always use the chat site Omegle as the prototype of a site that should not be immune for third-party posted content. I am so glad *someone*--the redoubtable @cagoldberglaw--is finally testing whether 230 really protects Omegle.
I have my doubts that this suit will survive a motion to dismiss under current law. But if you can read it without seething rage, and an overpowering sense that it *should* survive such a motion, I would love to hear a coherent argument that what Omegle...
does deserves blanket immunity from liability.…
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Mar 2nd 2021
Un PEDÓFILO es una persona q siente atracción sexual por los niños, podría consumir o producir material de explotación sexual infantil, ej. a través de #grooming y #sextortion; en cambio un PEDERASTA da un paso más y concreta con ellos relaciones sexuales. Un pedófilo puede
convertirse o no en pederasta, por eso en criminología hablamos de 2 perfiles de conductas diferentes, pero ambos, pedófilo y pederasta, en su mayoría practican la acumulación compulsiva, tienen almacenada en sus dispositivos una apabullante cantidad de material de explotación
sexual infantil q intercambian con su "círculo de pedofilia" (cuyos emblemas están en la imagen) con situaciones cotidianas de desnudez, sexuales entre niños, adultos con niños, contenido violento, etc. Es necesario prevenir, porq uno de sus métodos es mostrarle al niño
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May 27th 2020
New book out this week with @ElgarPublishing, edited with @MungiuPippidi: A Research Agenda for Studies of Corruption.… Great contributors covering where we’ve got to and where we need to go. Quick thread:
2/@MungiuPippidi and @mihaly_fazekas discuss advances in #measurement of #corruption and emphasise importance of developing actionable measures, showing how these can be informed by appropriate indicators.
3/@pmheywood analyses how meanings and modalities of #corruption have changed in line with broader socio-economic developments in a more interdependent world and what this means for future research.
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Feb 8th 2019
I love @IChotiner’s work but this is very very wrong. The word #sextortion arose as a prosecutor/FBI slang for a specific and important reason: because investigators were seeing horrific sexual exploitation cases that had important features in common for which they had no word.
The word is not meant to be cute or witty. It is meant to describe something. The group of people who work on this issue never use it as anything other than candidly factual.
One of the serious problems those of us who have worked on this issue have is that there is no name for this crime. Literally tens of thousands of kids and adults are being forced into making porn. It’s a kind of slavery. And we have no vocabulary for it.
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Feb 7th 2019
Maybe now that @JeffBezos has been subject to this unbelievable extortion people will take #sextortion more seriously. Here’s some material on the subject.
And BTW, kudos to @JeffBezos for coming forward on this. The most important part of his article is this passage.
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Sep 9th 2017
In one of my other lives, I do a lot of work on online sexual exploitation; I'm very excited to speak at this event:…
One reason is that I'll actually get to meet @cagoldberglaw, who's been an inspiration ever since I started working on #sextortion.
If you're in or around Baltimore, there's an incredible roster of speakers at this event—including FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe!
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