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Mar 24th 2022
It’s time to start a #WWDC Wishlist Mega Thread. Here we go, will keep adding things until the event.
1. iOS 16: Add new languages in Apple Translate. I can hope for Indian languages, especially Hindi, but I think they have a long list before reaching there.
2. Wider rollout for Apple Pay, hopefully we get it in India as well. Indian market is quickly shifting towards Tap to Pay, and the government is encouraging digital payments more than any other country. Apple Pay would be a great addition.
Read 82 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
When I started learning technical analysis, took me six months before I could draw trendlines correctly so that I could trust and trade on them.
RSI ?Divergences ? another six monthsπŸ˜ƒ
The way I use MFI ? 2 years πŸ˜ƒ

Any TA tool like metastock, amibroker or tradingview has hundreds of indicators. Try mastering one at a time, you will master max 2-4 in the next few years
Let's say there is a very good swordsman. He has a very good sharp sword, perfectly balanced.

He gives you that sword, will you be able to fight as good as the swordsman ?
Read 8 tweets
Dec 7th 2020
A deeply interesting tutorial by @fchollet @MelMitchell1 @ChrSzegedy at #NeurIPS2020

"#Abstraction & #Reasoning in #AI systems: Modern Perspectives "

or "What are abstraction, generalization and analogic reasoning?"

@fchollet begins by laying some foundations in notation and background.

E.g., Generalization is a spectrum (and we are looking at lower bands in #ML nowadays)

And Abstraction? It is the engine behind generalization!

And of course it comes in different flavors:

- program-centric: that is akin to high-level reasoning (inducing & merging programs)

- value-centric (interpolating examples) πŸ‘ˆ essentially what #DL does and excels at!

Read 15 tweets

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