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Most recents (2)

Sep 16th 2020
Thank you for having me on the @ELRAgeSpeaks Radio Show @MervChangeAGEnt. You are a wonderful host.
If anyone is interested in listening to my dulcet tone 😂 you have come to the right place.
Other reasons to give it a listen:
1. It’s sexual health week, so it’s my annual reminder that many older adults are sexually active, enjoy a variety of sexual acts, take sexual risks, but can face structural and personal barriers to realising their sexual agency and expression #SHW20 #SHW2020
2. You get to hear my Barnsley accent 😱
Read 8 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
Today is the start of #SHW2020! Each day this week, I'll be tweeting about Britain's long, tempestuous and ever-so-slightly bonkers love–hate relationship with its #sexualhealth.

Darlings, brace yourselves. 💋 #SHW20 Image
We begin with the Victorians, who, contrary to popular belief, were obsessed with sex. In the C19, the only known #STIs were syphilis and gonorrhoea. Diagnosis depended on observable symptoms (no blood tests/smears). Effective treatments were non-existent. Image: @ExploreWellcome Image
In 1864 the British government introduced the Contagious Diseases Acts, intended to protect the armed forces through 'regulation' of 'common prostitutes'. The Acts gave police almost-unlimited discretionary powers to arrest any woman they thought might be soliciting. Image: HCPP Image
Read 62 tweets

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