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Feb 15th 2021
#GOP senators who voted to #ConvictTrump are being censured by their party. I hope the censure comes in writing, so they can frame it & hang it up in their offices, display it during their re-election campaigns! #BadgeOfCourage! TY senators for the strength of your #convictions!
Those senators who #BrokeRank & voted #CountryOverParty will be respected by all even by #Liberals. At least we know they aren't #Nazi #Traitors so won't think #ItsTheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt if they get elected. They'll be the new face of the rational #GOP…
And in the #House, those #Congressmen #BrokeRank with the #MAGANaziParty will emerge as #PartyLeaders, having earned a measure of respect from all Americans, even those who are ideologically opposed. We all know we need an opposition party we just want a rational, principled one!
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