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Apr 14th 2023
While the #IndianArmy has #Arjun in production, why isnt there a large scale commitment to replace ageing #T72M in service. These tanks are terrible for their crews and not well protected. Image
While the plan is to add #T90 turrets on #Indianarmy #T72 and there are prototypes going around test areas. But #T90 is now a known quantity, the #US has a few to test on and develop anti-tank munition tech. #India needs to get away from the turret popping design to gain a....... ImageImage
Qualitative edge as all #Chinese tanks and all #Pakistani tanks which are not Type 59 derivatives rely on the same carousel auto-loader design. The #Chinese ZTZ-99 and #Pakistani Al Khalids are essentially #T72 derivatives, how do I know? I looked at the road wheel identations. ImageImage
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