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Sep 24th 2022
Hey #OSINT, a good Virtual Machine (VM) plays a vital role on OSINT investigation for good operational security and case management.

A thread 🧵

#OSINTForAll #VM #tools

@IntelTechniques's Buscador( was an amazing VM, however since that project is no longer updated here's a list of other VMs for OSINT:

#OSINTForAll #VM #tools #OSINT

@IntelTechniques 1. Tsurugi Linux
Tsurugi Linux is a customized Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version and is designed to support DFIR investigations, malware analysis and OSINT activities.

#OSINTForAll #VM #tools #TSURUGI

Read 5 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
Sonic The Hedgehog Image
You will notice on the first pic I posted that the floors are tiled. That is original cover art for Sonic 1, the original game for the Sega Megadrive. I’ve seen people talk about Sonic actually but yeah I’ll continue and expand a lot. This will be a long thread ImageImage
Service Games - SeGa ImageImageImageImage
Read 35 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
Welcome back to another episode of the #WildAboutFacts series. Today, we are taking over your feed with pictures and #trivia of one of the most alluring creatures from the #wild, the #RedPanda.

Join us, share your #photographs of the #Firefox of the #Himalayas.

📷Sourav Mondal

Its distinctive fur has earned this species monikers such as #Firefox, Firecat, or Fire-coloured Cat. Arguably, the #RedPanda is the only true #Panda, as the #GiantPanda, which is believed to be closely related, belongs to the #bear family.

📷Senthil Murugan

Around half of the #RedPanda’s natural habitat lies in the Eastern #Himalayas#Nepal, #Sikkim, northern #WestBengal, #Bhutan, and #ArunachalPradesh.

Its remaining home is in northern #Myanmar and a few provinces of central #China.

📷Ramshesha N
Read 14 tweets

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