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Jul 26th 2022
5⃣ Smartest things to do with your Bonus?😎

- 30% - Investments
- 20% - Paying off debts
- 10% - Invest in yourself
- 30% - Rainy Day
- 10% - Treat yourself

Let's understand each of these points in detail⤵️
Most people tend to blow up their bonuses on shopping & travelling.

While you are entitled to your share of fun, seriously look at your bonus money to contribute something useful towards your future self & ripe the benefits of capital appreciation.
30% - Investments💰

Your SIPs must match your incomes. By just investing your bonus money & increasing SIP by just 10% every year will help increase the final corpus size that you'll get eventually.

Read 8 tweets
May 17th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/17/2021…
Battlestar Galactica Lessons from Ransomware to the Pandemic…

#ransomware #PandemicResponse #LessonsLearned
Female northern elephant seals spend 18 hours a day foraging in deep sea…

#FemaleSeals #foraging #BehaviorTracking
Read 10 tweets

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