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Jun 2nd 2023
Time #MR resigns & #PM restores some sanity in Rlys.
Trn no.12841 Coromandal Exp & Trn no.12864 Sir MV-HWH SF Exp got derailed near Bahanaga Rly stn at around 18.55hrs on 02.06.23. As of now, near about 50 casualties & more than 350 injured passengers are reported.
@RailMinIndia… Image
Poring/Spending more than what is needed, running #RlyBd by junior & incompetent officers for yrs, protecting the #corrupt-the spine of #IndianRailways was already broken by #KMG nurtured by #RailMinister. Entire focus is on big #tenders while #vigilance racketeers go unchecked.… Image
Protection of #Railway_officers who do business with #IndianRailway as #vendors on #IREPS shows brazenness of very top in #RailBhawan.
Lakhs of crores spent, lakhs of crores wasted by competence poverty of #Tendernan. And so many innocent passengers died today.
#MR should resign! ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
@PMOIndia #NAMO #RealityCheck
Everything just on papers!
So #Reasonable menu but the mentioned items not being sold! Image
Salesman: Asheeesh when asked for Rs.15 #JantaKhana told: "Itne mein kya aata hai saab, ye item hum nhi bechte (not available, we don't sell this item)"
When asked for Standard Tea @RS.5/- as mentioned on irctc menu displayed on counter, they said:
"Its not being sold (Hum ye nhi bechte..), only Dip Chai(Tea) @RS.7/- available or take Masala Chai @RS.20/-"
Read 4 tweets

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