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Aug 26th 2021
"Aarif Khan was the nom de guerre of a local militant"

“We had to implement the #Shariah, the #Taliban & #AlQaeda way.”

This is the article for which #AasifSultan was taken to jail. Far from a #journalistic circus - it was highlight of a freedom struggle in #Kashmir.....

..which might be categorized as a '#TerrorSpeech' issue.

It is certainly not the #Western '#FreedomOfExpression'. The #Kashmiri expressions was not constructed that way, with Western norms.

The website is already down, so I wanted to take some snaps.
Is there a chance for this article not to attract state's wrath? By that word, I mean the #IndianState.

To all #Indians out there participating in the #FreeAasifSultan hashtag, do you respect our existence?

If you don't, what does your #solidarity, or mockery - stand for?

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