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#KanyeWest, der sich inzwischen “Ye” nennt, ist innerhalb weniger Jahre von einem gefeierten Musiker zu einem antisemitischen Verschwörungsideologen geworden. Doch wie kam es dazu? Eine Einordnung unseres Montoringteams de:hate im Thread. 🧵 1/18
Seit 2016 unterstützt er Donald Trump. Er behauptete, dass die Sklaverei eine “Entscheidung” von Afroamerikaner*innen gewesen sei. Auch sprach Ye sich für die Abschaffung des 13. Zusatzparagraphen der Verfassung aus, der die Sklaverei beendete. 2/18
West reproduziert die rassistische Erzählung, der von einem Polizisten ermordete Afroamerikaner #GeorgeFloyd sei an einer Überdosis Fentanyl gestorben. Auch behauptet er, dass Abtreibung die “Hauptursache” für den Tod Schwarzer Amerikaner*innen sei. 3/18
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Today $DWAC went up 365% after a merger with #Trump’s new media company, Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), the idea of which is to launch an alternative social network to disrupt the FAANGs.

I read TMTG’s pitch deck (did MY OWN research!!!) and here’s what I think👇🧵
1/ The idea is to create a new media powerhouse, with a streaming and news service that aims to disrupt CNN, $NFLX & $DIS+ (Fox news too?), and take on $AMZN in the long run.

The biggest impact ofc was the announcement of launching a new social network to disrupt $FB and $TWTR
2/ The name of the new social network? TRUTH Social.

Mission: “stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech.”

The premise: $TWTR and $FB banned Trump from their platforms but did not ban the Taliban.
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Republicans have relentlessly attacked "Big Tech" companies for "censoring" conservatives

Under pressure, Apple has caved, reinstating the #Parler app even though, for example, openly Nazi content is still readily available on the site. And that's just the tip of the iceberg...
It's hard to know what's really on Parler because the site doesn't allow full text search: unlike on Facebook or Twitter, you can only search for user names and hashtags

Even before the January 6 insurrection, Parler censored certain hashtags, like the N-Word
This was the bare minimum of what it took to create the veneer of respectability required to pretend that the site wasn't the cesspool of hate speech that it actually is

Parler seems to have expanded the list of banned hashtags to include other code words (eg "skittles"=Muslims)
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I won't be home the rest of the day so no site updates. Instead, check out some of the most popular posts.

1. The now infamous #Parler originated from billionaire GOP donors, Russia, and the law firm tied to Trump, Kushner, and Giuliani.
2. This shadow network has included Charlie Kirk, Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon, Ali Alexander, and other people tied to Donald Trump. The Council for National Policy had a hand in how Trump responded to the coronavirus pandemic.
3. In September 2020, Donald Trump likely ordered the assassination of anti-fascist protester Michael Reinoehl. Trump later bragged about the murder.…
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Added & Updated Today, So Far

1. In 2016, Ernest Champell was hired to write for One America News. On his first day, a staffer told him the network is pro-Russia. The 2020 election interference report revealed OAN is a conduit for the Kremlin.…
2. In 2006, Russia passed a law giving Vladimir Putin the authority to send death squads to take out any foreign citizen he considers a disturbance. The law came up in my research on Russia's response to Biden's "killer" comment.…
3. In January, Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows joined the Conservative Partnership Institute. That makes him the eighth Trump official to join a Council for National Policy organization since Trump left office.…
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🛑 THREAD: The true story connecting January 6th, Parler, QAnon, Russia, and Standing Rock goes back decades. Here’s what happened, who did it, and why.

Additional supporting documentation is available here: Image
2/In 1975-1976, the Church Committee investigated allegations that CIA, NSA, FBI, IRS, and Army intelligence had spied on Americans and otherwise abused power; the committee's work led to changes that greatly limited the power of these agencies.…
3/Angry about these new limits, in 1979 LARRY MCDONALD and JACK SINGLAUB founded WESTERN GOALS, a private intelligence agency. The group aimed to vacuum up and index intel "discarded" by agencies that, after Church reforms, could no longer retain it.…
Read 58 tweets
THREAD: QAnon was enabled in part by former military and intelligence professionals "gone wild." They lent credibility to the myth and laundered QAnon messaging to the public, sometimes via E-list "influencers." Here are some of the key personnel.
2/MICHAEL T. FLYNN is at the very center of the Q operation. As a US Army Lt. General and as former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he has extensive knowledge of military/intel ops and the mechanics of insurgency. He also deeply resents his treatment by USG – a theme. Image
3/BILL BINNEY retired in protest from NSA in 2001 after spat with @GenMhayden. He collaborated with Putinphile Oliver Stone (A Good American; Snowden), and has appeared on many Q content channels re: child sex abuse, directed energy weapons; he is part of
Read 47 tweets
The #Parler meltdown, a timeline:

Nov 13: I exposed opaque funding and Matze’s Russia ties

Nov 14: WSJ exposes Rebekah Mercer as funder and co-founder

Jan 6: Parler used to organize and amplify insurrection

Jan 8-9: Google and Apple remove app from stores
Jan 11: Amazon AWS terminates hosting; researchers harvest data

Jan 17: Parler puts up static page on Epik/DDOS Guard/Russian IP

Jan 21: House Oversight Chairwoman Maloney asks FBI to investigate Parler, its funding, and Matze’s Russia ties

Jan 29: Mercer + board fire Matze
Feb 3: Matze reveals he has been fired; Bongino denies, incorrectly

Even if it can somehow get back online, it will never be a viable company without implementing real moderation practices. Mercer seems intent not to do so. Parler is, without a serious upheaval, over.
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#RebekahMercer warned of 'armed conflict' before funding Capitol rioters

She wrote, 'We are facing an ever more belligerent, frantic, and absurd group of radicals in a struggle for the soul of our country,' referring to #antifa

#Mercer’s FUNDED

- Arizona Republican Party Chair #KelliWard
- #BigTheSteal's organizer #AliAlexander

- She is a financier of news website #Breitbart and the social network #Parler," continued the report.

"In 2020, Mercer's father, Robert Mercer, donated $1.5 million to House Minority Leader #McCarthy's super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund, and the Mercers donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republican National Committee."
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La cuenta oficial de Twitter del partido Republicano (G.O.P. Grand Old Party) de Texas ha adoptado el lema de #QAnon; la gente que, como el asaltante al Capitolio con el gorro con cuernos, cree que el alma de los políticos en Washington ha sido poseída por satanás y tienen como👇 Image
patriotas, la sacrosanta misión de liberar la capital del país del mal) Colocar la cabeza del el elefante republicano en el lugar de la O del lema conspirativo, WE ARE THE STORM / NOSOTROS SOMOS LA TORMENTA supone cuando menos una inconsciencia pues da alas a un movimiento que 👇
ya ha provocado varios muertos. La desafortunada iniciativa no es sino muestra de la profunda división interna que sufre el partido conservador de Estados Unidos. Actualmente, el G.O.P. en realidad son tres. 1: El partido de Trump (posiblemente un 80%) que anhela su regreso.👇 Image
Read 15 tweets
It’s not just that prominent federal & provincial #Conservatives were on #NaziTwitter, aka #Parler, but that when there was an assassination attempt on the Canadian Prime Minister by a radicalized RW disinformation & conspiracy believer, Cons were silent...or worse #cdnpoli #CPC
When would-be assassin, Cory Hurren, radicalized by RW disinformation, propaganda & conspiracies on social media & by #CPC, loaded his truck with weapons & crashed through gates intent on the assassination of #PMJT, #ErinOToole’s Twitter feed was very revealing that day. #cdnpoli
You might say, perhaps #ErinOToole didn’t hear about the July 2nd assassination attempt on the day. Well here’s what #ErinOTrump tweeted July 3/2020. He retweeted his deceitful propaganda video & other willful incendiary lies & said NOTHING about the attempt on JT’s life #cdnpoli
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#Parler can't use #antitrust to sue against "political animus" because the First Amendment protects Twitter & Amazon's right to refuse to carry abhorrent content

Parler's lawsuit will be dismissed for failing to allege that AWS & Twitter conspired to suppress competition

Under clear Supreme Court precedent, Parler would have to prove that Amazon shut off service for non-political reasons

Parler & AWS don't compete. To show that AWS blocked Parler for anticompetitive reasons, Parler must show that AWS conspired with Twitter against Parler.
Instead, Parler complains that AWS was inconsistent in enforcing its Acceptable Use Policy, which reserves broad discretion to remove "harmful" or "offensive" or "otherwise objectionable" content
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What are the implications of using hacked data for research?

A short thread inspired by the fact that, before AWs took it down, #Parler was extensively hacked and user data was leaked.

The #Parler dataset seems crazy interesting for doing research, and my first reaction after the breach was to shre it with other #CompSocSci ppl.

However, I started having second thoughts, so what follows is to organize ideas and have it somewhere I can look back to.

Generally speaking, as far as the ethics of research goes a good advice would be to handle hacked data with caution.

First of all, there's an issue of quality. Data might be altered or incomplete, and the source cannot be considered accountable (assuming src is anonymous).

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#Parler may be saved by a cash injection (and server services) from Domain registrar #Epik, ref CEO Rob Monster (that's really his name)

Epik is described as "a safe haven for the extreme right",.
Epik saved #Gab (the Original Nazi Twitter) and #DailyStormer (The Nazi Web Site of choice).
Epik has a history of not responding to reports of illegal activity on the websites they register, including criminal activity, selling of drugs and weapons, trading of nazi memorabilia, and others.

It's simply 'neither their problem nor their concern".
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It’s absurd to equate ideologically driven propaganda with journalism, but @JohnIbbitson & @globeandmail will try.
Failure to see the direct line between the same rhetoric & tactics that led to #TrumpInsurrection & what 🇨🇦’s political right has been doing, is willful blindness.
#JeffBallingall #HamishMarshall & others on #CPC’s team, like #RebelMedia, not only use mirrored messaging, propaganda & disinformation as seditious #Republicans, there is eerie coordination in their playbook, manufacturered conspiracies & who supports them. #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
From members of #CPC, including #ErinOToole, on the disinformation dumpster fire that is #Parler (aka #NaziTwitter) to provincial #Conservatives obvious chummy relationships with crypto-fascists of the #GOP, draws clear & obvious lines between 🇨🇦 & 🇺🇸’s political right. #cdnpoli
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/1 Bare metal hosting of terrosists platforms means that whomever runs it on the clearnet (garage, houses, offices) will be participating in illicit acts of terrorism. @INTERPOL_Cyber @DHSgov @NSAGov would serve warrants, even de-centralized. #MAGATerrorism #Terrorism
/2 The amount of hardware required to serve more than 50M concurrent users would require large processing power and huge network bandwidth. Not easy to obfuscate nor easy to implement since domain registration is globally accessible and highly regulated.
/3 IP addresses on the clearnet are not cheap and require that the service provider maintain records of which platform/app gets a valid public IP address. This means that trash @parler_app has nowhere to hide where anti-terrorist task force agencies cannot find them.
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United Kingdom MPs on #Parler
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We're watching you Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Michael Gove, Nigel Farage, & anyone else who scapegoats & demonizes minorities with their faux patriotic populist nationalist bullshit - you should NEVER have listened to a word Steve Bannon said, let alone adopted his playbook.
In 2018, Steve Bannon bragged about being in contact with @BorisJohnson, @michaelgove & @Jacob_Rees_Mogg.

His close working relationship with Nigel Farage is well documented.…
And here's the little-reported news of Boris Johnson facing growing condemnation for an “appalling” Tory alliance with neo-Nazi and anti-Muslim parties across Europe.

The @Conservatives' peer Lord Balfe revealed how Johnson had simply refused to act.…
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Nachdem diverse Dienste und Anbieter jetzt endlich aktiv gegen #QAnon Inhalte vorgehen sind viele zu #Parler ausgewichen.

Dort sind zum größten Teil #Trump/QAnon Anhänger, die sich gegenseitig aufstacheln.

Neustes Mitglied
Rechtsanwalt und Coronainfo-Tour Mitfahrer #RalfLudwig.
Wir müssen ihm da allerdings mitteilen, dass er da auf ein sehr totes Pferd setzt.

Parler ist nicht mehr im Apple Appstore, Google Play Store, wurde von Amazon (AWS) gekündigt.

Es können dank der Kündigung von @twilio auch keine SMS zur Registrierung mehr verschickt werden.
Wie viele Dienste im Internet ist auch Parler bei bestimmten Aufgaben auf Dritte angewiesen.

Hier ein guter Thread von @RealOGAnonymous über die diversen Dienste.

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THREAD: Now that @Amazon @awscloud has announced they will no longer host @parler_app, many have speculated that they will just “find another host.”

Here is why that’s not so simple and what it will likely mean for the app’s future. First, let’s look at where things are...
2/ Google and Apple have removed the app from their app stores, effectively terminating growth on mobile devices. People can still access the (not good) web UI until Amazon terminates them today. CEO Matze has said they may be down “up to a week” while they find new hosting.
3/ Translated to English, that’s code for “we have no idea what’s going to happen next.” No US cloud provider (Microsoft, Google, IBM, Digital Ocean) is likely to touch this, as it could be seen as providing material support for sedition. No CEO or counsel wants to get near this.
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Let's be clear about what @Google, @Apple & @amazon instantly destroying #Parler's ability to be the free-speech version of Twitter is. At its core, this is about the ability to freely communicate one’s thoughts to others — once considered a hallmark of "The American Way." 1/13
What Big Tech is doing is as if Ma Bell in 1973 (ask grandpa) decided what you're saying to a friend on a landline phone was “dangerous." So they cut off the line in the middle of the talk and then sent someone over to physically cut your phone line. That's Stasi shit. 2/13
I realize that a personal conversation is not the same as a public tweet, but the principle is the same. The company that "owns the wires" for your speec — and has special govt rules protecting them due to their position — cuts off your call due to what you are saying. 3/13
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The Suppression of Organic Liberty with a Digital Garden - The citizenry is suffering from Stockholm syndrome with a dash of willful blindness - by @TraderStef for #CrushTheStreet… Image
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To everyone in #India and around the world:

If tech giants we rely on can purge the sitting President of the USA over arbitrary rules to alter public narratives (and this is only "one" of their many issues), they can do the same to other countries and their people. (1/7)
We must not allow our own communications to depend on them, and must seek measures to defend ourselves from their vested interests and political subversions, starting by being self-reliant. (2/7)
By allowing these multinational corporations to dictate who gets to say what in our own countries, we risk foreign powers controlling our narratives for us and influencing our own democracies without our consent. (3/7)
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#twitterPurge Ans #Parler shutdown shows that many opinions are, to certain groups, unequivocally evil.

They can’t debate the ideas, so they equate them to terrible ones, then ban those who have them.

It is a way to control the dialogue. Linguistic control and suppression. 1/6
If you think that different life outcomes have a variety of causes, then you’re a racist.

If you think that people should be rewarded for their work, you’re a blood-soaked capitalist.

If you think immigration should be managed, you’re a xenophobe.

If you think a culture affects people’s success and character, you’re a bigot.

If you think free speech and dialogue is important, you’re a fascist.

If you think men and women are different, you’re a misogynist.

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