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Sep 7th 2019
What if the nativist/white nationalist op-ed that appeared in @VancouverSun & @theprovince today is no oversight, as claimed, but consistent with @postmedianet's recent explicit turn to the right? Regardless of how it happened, let's look at @postmedianet context. 1/x #bcpoli
@VancouverSun @theprovince @postmedianet It happened in August when many were away but Postmedia, the NY hedge-fund owned conservative owner of the Sun, Province & a majority of major Canadian papers, recently made an explicit turn further to the right… and… #cdnpoli #bcpoli
@VancouverSun @theprovince @postmedianet Right-wing media & Big Money interests have always used racism to advance their agenda but I'd argue that Postmedia's agenda specifically relates to a strategy to push resource extraction, & there's plenty of evidence of this, even beyond its contract with CAPP @OilGasCanada 3/x
Read 25 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
“But it’s believable to me that if there’s an impact it would be at the higher end (of the market),”

Let's say 700 homes change hands per year in West Side #Vanre. Avg say $3M per home. That's roughly $2B per year.

Say half that is mortgaged, so…
2/ $1B per year COMPLETELY controls the West Side mkt.

Last week I tweeted about ONE woman from China 10 years ago looking to buy 4 to 5 homes on the West Side. If she's looking to spend $20M, all you would need would be 49 more of her to completely buy up every
3/ property that hits the mkt on the West Side.

Is that so inconceivable?

50 wealthy Chinese investors could come in a corner the West Side #Vanre mkt.

Now throw in the local money launderers as in the #VancouverSun article and you need even less than 50 Chinese buyers.
Read 11 tweets

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