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Jun 4th 2023
Ok time to sit down and give the highlights from #VannaLive...or at least what I can remember.

Finola doesn't know what the plan is for Anna career-wise now that she's being forced to resign from the wsb. #gh Image
Anna wearing a sweat shirt during the WSB interrogation was Finolas idea. She went to the costume department head and said Anna would want something to keep warm with. She said it comes into play later. #gh #vannalive.
James said he will pitch lines on occasion if the are quick and can be put in easily. Sometimes they say yes sometimes no. But what's there to lose? #gh #vannalive
Read 16 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
Here is my evening rundown of $SPX and $SPY Dealer and Dark Pool data to prepare us for #optionstrading & #futurestrading tomorrow using data from @WizOfOps and @Tradytics. Show thread to see it all! 🧵👇
Lets start with #Vanna on $SPX & $SPY. $SPX cumulative Vanna picture still neutral in this range with positive vanna favoring downside and negative vanna hurting moves higher. $SPY is similar but with more positive vanna favoring downside should $VIX/IV continue to rise.
Aggregate #Charm up next on $SPX & $SPY. $SPX is now much more inline with $SPY with positive charm exceeding negative charm. This means dealer selling will take place as time passes on these contracts.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
Another condensed post tonight combining what I believe to be the most useful market data to help prepare for tomorrow. Show thread to see it all! 🧵👇
Lets start with #Vanna on $SPX & $SPY. $SPX cumulative Vanna picture still neutral in this range with positive vanna favoring downside and negative vanna hindering moves higher. $SPY is similar but with more positive vanna favoring downside should $VIX/IV rise.
Aggregate #Charm up next on $SPX & $SPY. $SPX charm is neutral as well, but slightly more negative which is slightly bullish. However, $SPY is still positive which favors downside. Combining the two has dealers doing slightly more selling as time decays.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
Someone asked on YouTube if I could review $TSLA data going into the week, so here it goes. Hope others who trade it regularly find it helpful.
$TSLA #Vanna data shows cumulative Vanna positive until 185, at which point it goes negative and would repel moves lower as IV rises with price dropping (within the vanna curve). Positive Vanna around price and above will increase volatility until that point. Image
Looking at $TSLA Gamma we see dealers assisting moves through 195 and 197.50 due to negative gamma with 200 being a positive gamma which will act as resistance (support if broken). #Charm is slightly more negative which is slightly more bullish. ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
Here is my evening summary of dealer positioning $SPX, $SPY & $QQQ. The data is provided by, created by @WizOfOps, and will help us identify key areas tomorrow to inform our #optionstrading and #futurestrading. Show thread to see it all! 🧵👇
Lets start with #Vanna on $SPX & $SPY. $SPX cumulative Vanna picture is neutral in this range with positive vanna favoring downside and negative vanna hurting moves higher. $SPY is similar but with much more positive vanna favoring downside should $VIX/IV continue to rise. ImageImage
Aggregate #Charm up next on $SPX & $SPY. $SPX charm is pretty neutral as well, but slightly more negative which is slightly bullish. However, $SPY is very positive which favors downside. ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Jan 18th 2023
Here is my morning summary of dealer positioning for both $SPX and $SPY. The data is provided by and will help us formulate a plan for the day to inform our #optionstrading and #futurestrading. Show thread to see it all! 👇
Lets start with $SPX Vanna since it's a major driver. The Vanna repellent @ 4000 is present but light. Will become light accelerant if we get far enough above it. We still have a large magnet @ 4100 with repellents above that.
$SPX #Gamma is showing slight positive gamma support @ 3975 with gamma accelerant @ 4000 that will assist a move through it. Large resistance @ 4100 inline with the Vanna magnet.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
Here is my morning summary of dealer positioning for both $SPX and $SPY. The data is provided by and will help us formulate a plan for the day to inform our #optionstrading and #futurestrading. Show thread to see it all! 👇
Lets start with $SPX Vanna since it's a major driver. The Vanna repellent @ 4000 is no longer showing, because we basically closed on top so it has no impact. If we open too far below, negative vanna could repel again. We still have a large magnet @ 4100 with repellents above.
$SPX #Gamma is showing slight positive gamma support @ 3975 (as long as we open above it) with gamma accelerant @ 4000 that will assist a move through it. Large resistance @ 4100 inline with the Vanna magnet.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 28th 2022
$TSLA is the talk of anyone #trading #options these days, so I figured it would be good to go through the data to see what the coming days may bring.
First off, there have been several news events related to $TSLA, including Chinese production slow downs, @elonmusk promising not to sell shares, and new gigafactory announcements. All these have made their splash and will continue to do so.
Lets start by looking at flow via @Tradytics. We see a major surge in put buying. However, compared to recent historical premiums, it wasn't the largest. Algoflow actually has this marked as neutral. The EoD spike can be telling though... ImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Dec 16th 2021
Hello all🥰. I’m doing my best and worst of 2021 thread now! Not every category is going to have a best and worst just an fyi. Also this thread is purely my opinion 🤷🏽‍♀️
Best episode: Alexis 25th anniversary episode. Alexis spends her last day of freedom surrounded by loved ones. She visits Kevin’s, and he gets her to examine her traumatic childhood and Alexis finally comes to terms with who she is. Great writing and a master class by NLG👏🏽
Worst episode: Sonny’s return. A big reason why I couldn’t see tptb doing Jarly is b/c I couldn’t see them damaging the trio. I was right unfortunately. Sonny walks in on his wife and best friend in his bedroom and not a single scotch glass is thrown. What a massive letdown
Read 18 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
Bad timing: A #Vanna love story
I always laugh at Anna’s “go see a shrink” remark. Mostly because Valentin is so smitten he doesn’t even blink at it 😂 #Vanna #GH
Anna: Don’t stand there thinking you’re all irresistible.
Valentin: I am irresistible.
Anna: Oh my God.
#Vanna #GH
Read 8 tweets

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