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Apr 8th 2020
We are expecting 2 further plane loads of PPE, masks, ventilators, sanitizers etc. Please pray that others have not hijacked our procurements like happened to Canada and France. Our efforts will not cease until our #Frontliners are fully protected with PPE to safely work. ImageImageImage
Apart from these synergy at #DemiNegara each team has been tirelessly working to complement @KKMPutrajaya IMARET has shared the following images as part of their efforts of #viralkindness @theedgemalaysia @DrAdhamBaba @KKMPutrajaya @DrDzul ImageImageImageImage
Golden Rules to guide us:
1. Always preserve the purity of intentions (Bukhari)
2. If you save one life, it is as if you have saved all mankind (Quran 5:32)
3. The best amongst you is he who is best to mankind (Hadith)
4. First Do No Harm @DrAdhamBaba @DrDzul ImageImageImageImage
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Mar 22nd 2020
Got pushed onto the ground and shouted at by a man over 6ft tall “BECAUSE OF YOU PEOPLE EATING ANIMALS, WE GOT THIS VIRUS!!” Nobody offered me any help, just stared. I know people are frustrated and living in fear, but racism really doesn’t resolve it. #StopRacism #viralkindness
Thank you all @markballard27 @GlasgowCF @JaneLizzieMi @brien_lynne I’m ok, just a slightly sprained wrist. I never felt so hated before and that’s scary! But the shock has now passed, I know the majority of people are not like that! P.S. I have reported the incident.
We adults know how to deal with it. My friends in the WhatsApp group said their kids got teased and verbal abused. They are so young they don’t even understand what’s going on. So sad!
Read 3 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
Thank you @UofGlasgow for embracing the #ViralKindness campaign ♥️ Pick up a postcard from @uofglibrary or print one off at home via our website, then deliver it to your neighbours to help them out in these trying times 🙌 ImageImage
Send us your experiences using the #ViralKindness hashtag and we'll reshare them to grow the movement! Be safe - be smart - spread only kindness ✨

Full details ▶️… ImageImage
A UofG student picking up their neighbour's shopping & spreading some #viralkindness 👏 Image
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Mar 16th 2020
🙋‍♂️ #ViralKindness 🙋‍♀️

Following the inspiring example set by Becky Wass, SRC's @GUvolunteer team have developed a postcard which @UofGlasgow students can print off and post to the people around you, if you're willing and able to help them out during the #COVIDー19 outbreak

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We will also have physical postcards on campus from tomorrow, available at various locations, including the SRC Welcome Point and in the @uofglibrary 😊

More info and an important note on safety on our web page ▶️…

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Update: we will be out on campus dropping cards off today! You can also now download the card file as a PDF from our web page to print at home ▶️… #ViralKindness
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Mar 14th 2020
#SocialDistancingNow could be the kindest thing you could do - #flatteningthecurve could be life saving!
But it doesn’t have to mean social isolation - Here’s some ideas on how to stay social and supportive… stay kind in chalk on the pavement
Sure, some of you might be connected to your community already - great!
But if not no time like the present to start.

(#ComCom peeps are already all over this - @KezNoo @MerrynGott @CormacRussell @PHPalCare )
Drop a letter or note into neighbours letter boxes with your details and let them know how you can help.
A meal, grocery drop, loo paper, veggies from your yard, board game swap etc

Maybe you can set up a what’s app group, or street Facebook group so you can stay connected?
Read 21 tweets

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