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Aug 30th 2022
Hari Kemerdekaan ❌

(uliran ⬇️)

#Merdeka #Malaysia #DemiNegara #HariKebangsaan Image
Istilah "Hari Kemerdekaan" atau "Hari Merdeka" dipetik daripada Perkara 160(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan (b. Inggeris: "Merdeka Day"), yang merujuk kepada 31 Ogos 1957, iaitu hari Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (Malaya) ditubuhkan, menandakan berakhirnya campur tangan British di Malaya. Perkara 160(2) Perlembagaan...
Sebelum tarikh tersebut, kawasan yang bakal menjadi negara Malaya itu terdiri daripada 10 kuasa berasingan. 9 daripadanya merupakan Raja-raja Melayu yang berdaulat, dan kuasa kesepuluh ialah British (Negeri-negeri Selat) yang menguasai Melaka dan Pulau Pinang. Image
Read 15 tweets
Jun 8th 2021
KKM mesti amanah & cekap dlm komunikasi
Semua pasti gembira dgn tren kes COVID yg menurun
Tetapi ini mesti diimbangi dgn ujian COVID yg mencukupi
Ini penting utk mempastikan kita mengesan bilangan kes COVID setepat mungkin
Yaitu kita tidak under-diagnos bilangan kes dinegara kita
Utk mengetahui kita telah mengawal pandemik dgn baik, kadar ujian positif COVID mesti <5%
Kadar positif ini ditentukan oleh WHO
Rajah menunjukkan bahawa kita gagal utk mencapai kadar positif ini
Maknanya masih banyak kes didalam negara kita yg tidak dikesan dgn ujian massa COVID
Kita boleh anggarkan kes harian COVID dgn kaedah berikut
Kadar kematian diMsia =0.56% [ (3536 kematian/627652 kes) X 100% ]
Maka jika pada 8 Jun 2021 kita rekod 76 kematian, maknanya bilangan kes COVID sepatutnya  76/0.56 X 100 iaitu 13,571.
Tetapi kita hanya merekod 5,566 kes
Read 8 tweets
May 25th 2021
This is a touching personal account of a Malaysian family living with COVID-19 in the UK.
The family is empowered in the UK
with smart risk communication that enhances knowledge, information and skills. (1)…
We have a technocrat who rattles out numbers and parrots paternalistic nuances daily.

And a condescending politician who barely understands the repercussions of the poorly thought and off the cuff SOPs. (2)…
National Health System (NHS) aka MOH offers home testing with rapid test kits.
Our MOH is obsessed with PCR which burdens our labs & only gives delayed results unlike RTK-Ag kits!
I have lobbied for affordable if not free test kits since Mar 2020, but fell on deaf MOH & NSC ears.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 6th 2021
Nampaknya KKM tak bijak2 lagi
Masih obses dgn ujian PCR
Aduhai! PCR ini strategi Kesihatan Awam yg lapuk
Padan lah respon FTTIS KKM lembab!
Menularlah covid giler2 sebab lambat sangat KKM dapat result (3 hari)…
Dgn RTK-Ag dlm 1 jam (paling lambat 1 hari) boleh dpt result dilapangan POC (Point Of Care)
Dan KKM bila guna RTK-Ag dia proses diMakmal bukan di-POC!
Kan lambat tu!
200 ujian sekali gus
STFC sekali buat testing diPOC antara 1-2 ribu bro!
Tu sebab melambung kes diSgor
Kata nak tingkat keupayaan ujian.
Tapi tahap positive kita masih tinggi 8.9%
WHO kata jika >5% pandemik tidak terkawal
Saya nasihat KKM biarkan “Task Force Perdana Menteri” ambil alih operasi untuk mitigasi dan keluarkan kita dari pandemik ini #DemiNegara
Read 4 tweets
Apr 25th 2020
PPEs/Masks/Face Shields delivered to JK Bencana Negeri Sabah @ SUK Office.
Dr Liow JKN Sabah & Datin Li Kuan State Anaesthetist notified for distribution & follow up.
3rd consignment
Compliments of #DemiNegara
#MERCY @simkuihian @DrDzul ImageImageImageImage
3rd consignment sent to Unit Keselamatan dan JK Bencana Negeri Sarawak. MRA Sarawak offering logistic services to enhance distribution. MRA team on high alert waiting for their consent to assist distribution @simkuihian @DrDzul ImageImageImageImage
Total 35 ventilators and 30 Oxygen Concentrators for Sabah and Sarawak. Delivered to respective JK Bencana Negeri. Hopefully distributed to #COVID Hospitals ASAP @KKMPutrajaya @theedgemalaysia @simkuihian @DrDzul ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
There r 4 #IMARET Marquess in Hotspot KL
2 marquess were set on 31/3/2020 @ City 1
3rd on #lockdown ie MCO3
2 marquees later on 8/4/2020 @ Selangor/Malayan Mansion
4th on #Lockdown ie MCO4
MCO3:City 1
D16 #Lockdown
Menara A 42 levels- 8 unit/flr
Menara B 37 levels- 8 units/flr
Civil Defense sends dry ration to them once/wk

MCO4-Masjid India
D8 #Lockdown
1711 persons
Food collected daily
OTW to Ground Zero
EMCO5 @MasjidIndia
Need to relocate base camp
Send supplies esp Lancets
KIV #covid19 diagnostic rapid testing today
Sending #IMARET walkie-talkies. PH physician Dr Farhan under PKD Lembah Pantai leading charge @DrDzul @codebluenews @NewsBFM @nazrikh @boosulyn
Read 21 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
We are expecting 2 further plane loads of PPE, masks, ventilators, sanitizers etc. Please pray that others have not hijacked our procurements like happened to Canada and France. Our efforts will not cease until our #Frontliners are fully protected with PPE to safely work. ImageImageImage
Apart from these synergy at #DemiNegara each team has been tirelessly working to complement @KKMPutrajaya IMARET has shared the following images as part of their efforts of #viralkindness @theedgemalaysia @DrAdhamBaba @KKMPutrajaya @DrDzul ImageImageImageImage
Golden Rules to guide us:
1. Always preserve the purity of intentions (Bukhari)
2. If you save one life, it is as if you have saved all mankind (Quran 5:32)
3. The best amongst you is he who is best to mankind (Hadith)
4. First Do No Harm @DrAdhamBaba @DrDzul ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets

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