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Mar 20th 2018
Another school shooting in the US today. It’s tragic, it’s horrible & escalating in our gun culture.

I💚Math. An int’l language, it makes sense to me when the rest of the world doesn’t. Especially when it comes to numbers & statistics on guns in the US…
Statistically, in the US a shooting incident takes place every 60 hours. We are down to hours in between shootings. Not days, weeks, months or years. It’s HOURS.

Every day in the US, 96 people die from gun violence & 222 people are shot but survive.

Australia, had 4 mass shootings between 1987–1996. After 1996, It took Parliament just 12 days to pass stricter gun laws. They haven’t had a mass shooting since. It’s been 34 days since Parkland.

The US needs to follow their lead.
Here’s how they did it
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