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Jan 27th 2023
On this #HolocaustRemembranceDay please know that ‘border security’ means pushing refugees back to harm and death, & putting them in detention camps where they are called by their ‘alien number’ rather than their names. #NeverAgainIsNow
Asylum was created after the holocaust, to ensure that people fleeing persecution had the right to cross borders and ask for protection. By closing our borders to refugees, we dishonor the memories of those killed in concentration camps after being turned away from our borders
Every time you believe or ignore hateful anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and anti-Black/Indigenous rhetoric, we are one step closer to fascism that will result in death and exclusion of these vilified groups. This isn’t hyperbole, we can already see increased violence fueled by hate
Read 6 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
THREAD: 1) Today is #HolocaustRememberanceDay the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Many years ago I started telling the stories of survivors, since then I was at Charlottesville and the Capitol and the rise of Holocaust deniers is alarming.
2) The Nazis vilified the press as the enemy of the people, the Nazis planted 'fake news' letters in the newspapers. 'If the lie is big enough and repeated often enough, IT IS BELIEVED. They dehumanized the Jews, bit by bit. Fascism and antisemitism is rampant here.
3) My friends, Werner Reich and Walter Spier were tattooed 10 numbers apart in Auschwitz but didn't meet until 70 years later… via @FacebookWatch
Read 10 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
What have I been saying for 5 years?

Far right “conservatives,” “Dominionist Christians,” paleolibertarians, and anarcho-capitalists are fascists.


They all have white supremacist roots which is also known as fascism.

Glad we’re all on the same page finally.
It’s about effing time!

These are not regular political parties. They’re neo fascist fronts using religion to avoid scrutiny and challenge to their ideology.


Open your eyes and remove the veil of denial.
These parties have been neo fascist from the start. For CPC that would be since Reform Party days. And for GOP, since Reagan.

The question isn’t what they are and what they believe

The question is how do we remove them from power as soon as possible?
Read 4 tweets
Aug 30th 2021
Hey Canada!

Look at Alberta.

We’ve been abandoned by our government. And left to fend for ourselves.

Which thankfully qualified caring physicians are stepping up to do.

O’Toole said as PM, he would leave provinces to make their own health decisions. While throwing money.
Does O’Toole support the UCP decision to abandon 4.5 million people to a deadly virus?

If O’Toole has to think about the answer, he would put every Canadian at risk to maintain provincial jurisdiction and placate the Americanized interpretation of state rights (provinces).
Our healthcare system is on the verge of chaos and moving towards collapse.

CMOH, Minister of Health Tyler Shandro and Premier Jason Kenney are no where to be found.

Our kids return to school on Wednesday September 1, 2021.

None of us Albertans know WTF is going on.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
Trump and Hitler : the danger of running again - THREAD
In 1923, HITLER ATTEMPTED TO SEIZE GOVERNMENTAL POWER IN A FAILED COUP in Munich and was imprisoned for 5 years. In jail, he dictated the first volume of his autobiography and political manifesto Mein Kampf (My Struggle).
After his early release in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. 
By November 1932, THE NAZI PARTY HAD THE MOST SEATS in the German Reichstag BUT DIDN'T HAVE A MAJORITY. Thus, no party was able to support of a candidate for chancellor. Fmr Chancellor Franz von Papen persuaded the German President to appoint Hitler as chancellor in 1933. 
Read 15 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
Hope is a double edged sword. We need hope tempered with reality. False hope is just unrealized despair.

Personally I find reality, as difficult as it can be sometimes, is a better gauge of hope. When I see people are engaged and aware of facts, I have hope.
When I see people organizing to remove destructive governments, that brings me hope.

I prefer to search for and inspire available actions. I prefer to be an agent of change, not a helpless victim. Pleading for forgiveness is infinitely easier than asking for permission.
Waiting for deliverance or a saviour is a victim’s stance. Yet so many just continue to obey an illegitimate power and surrender their own power.

I’m not very good at surrender or obedience to oppressive expectations.

Honour and integrity are only valuable to survivors.
Read 40 tweets
Oct 30th 2020
As I've struggled against the government for the past 3 years in legal defense of separated children so many of you have asked what you could do to help rescue the children. You lifted fighters like @RAICESTEXAS, @AlOtroLado_Org, @ACLU, @EveryLastOne1, @JusticeInMotion,...1/
You lifted us with your voices, your funding, your activism. Thousands of separated & interned children have been rescued because of this #Resistence, & are held once again in the arms of their families. Thousands are still being held.

And so I plead to you once again...2/
Let's finish this job in one f'n swoop. Let's bring down the supremacists raining fascist cruelty on children. To so many of you who have asked "how can I help the children". Now is your chance to make all the difference.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
Disgusting, but not surprising. Of course they were sterilizing immigrant women at ICE facilities. They're excruciatingly racist. Do you think they *want* more brown people in this country?

#AbolishICE #AbolishDHS
Reminder that medical abuse--and whistlerblowers calling it out--are no strangers to ICE facilities. When your country has a for-profit prison system, steeped in racism and the legacy of slavery, these are the results.

This story, from a year ago, a whistleblower tells about ICE prisons' over-use of solitary confinement to "protect" detainees who identified as LGBTQ.

Also, to "protect" those who were deemed "suicidal."

Read 16 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
One year ago today, @RepBrianFitz of PA01 voted NO on a bill that would have provided safe and humane conditions for detainees, including children.

Brian Fitzpatrick voted to keep #KidsInCages.

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#PA01’s @RepBrianFitz voted NO to making sure people in US custody have “soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste, adult diapers, and feminine hygiene products.”

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#PA01’s @RepBrianFitz voted NO to making sure that babies and mother had access to "a clean diaper changing facility, which includes proper waste disposal, a hand washing station, and unrestricted access to diapers."

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Apr 19th 2020
DHS & ICE have the authority to release folks from detention centers & save thousands of lives yet, the # of confirmed cases in ICE detention continues to grow everyday.

That's why we're converging at ICE Detention Centers across Texas w/@NeverAgainTexas today #FreeThemAll Image
This morning we targeted the Coastal Bend Detention Center in Robstown, Texas (about 30 minutes from Corpus Christi).

Rain or shine we won't stop until we #FreeThemAll

And if you can't come out take action here:
Cars are starting to line up in San Antonio now at MacArthur Park to start the drive to the protest site! #FreeThemAll #LetOurPeopleGo ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Feb 28th 2020
1) So, as it happens, I know a lot about this story. My work, in fact, plays a key role in it. Buckle in for an extended mega-thread that’s about racism in a microcosm—the tale of Bellevue’s Japanese American community—and white supremacy in the macro.…
2) First, a look at what happened at Bellevue College.

The Asian Pacific Islanders Student Association, as the Times piece explains, put together a mural representation of the old Nikkei community in Bellevue, there long before it became a mostly white suburb of Seattle.
3) The artist, Erin Shigaki, posted an explanation of the mural near its installation, titling it “Day of Remembrance: #NeverAgainIsNow”. And it discussed how Japanese immigrants performed back-breaking labor to make Bellevue habitable. It also featured this text:
Read 154 tweets
Feb 21st 2020
Up early today to head down to Olympia for the hearing on #SB6281, the (very bad) Washington Privacy Act. Hopefully, I'll be live-tweeting on this thread.

Here's a chart from @ACLU_WA highlighting just some of the problems with SB6281.
@ACLU_WA And if you're in Washington State, please let ask your legislators to OPPOSE SB6281 in its current form.

@SEAindivisible has an action item up, with a ample script and instructions on how to contact your legislators, at…
Read 49 tweets
Jan 26th 2020
Friends, tomorrow, Jan 27, is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I’ll be taking the day off of Twitter for reflection. So today I’m threading together some thoughts on the things that I’ll be reflecting upon. 1/
I’m not a Jew nor a historian. I’m a biologist who began life as a “surrendered infant” adopted by a German American family, raised as a Methodist. On the day Auschwitz was liberated, my dad was an 18-yo soldier in Italy. Don’t be a Good German, said the man who raised me. 2/
Here are a few things I’m thinking about: 41 percent of US adults surveyed—and two thirds of millennials—say they do not know what Auschwitz was.

At the same time very few survivors remain to tell us their stories. Half have died in the last 5 years. 3/…
Read 19 tweets
Jan 22nd 2020
Good morning! 🌄🌇🌅

The *illegitimate* Trump admin — which exists because an oligarch cheated to get elected — is an *illegitimate* neo-fascist regime building fascism.

Today's GOP is a neo-fascist party.


Oligarchy and fascism are UNACCEPTABLE.
Monday, @NPR *reporters* repeatedly called the fascist, terroristic rally in Virginia, "peaceful", and Wednesday morning, NPR *reporters* called perfectly legal behavior by refugees, "Illegal".

Do you understand what's happening?
Read 22 tweets
Dec 10th 2019
KANSAS CITY, MO: #JewsAgainstICE, immigrants, and allies are headed toward @UMBBank headquarters to hold them accountable for profiting off of ICE detention centers.

Follow along here:

#JewsAgainstICE are organizing from coast to coast because we know ICE and its collaborators are spread across the country.

While our allies in Rhode Island pressure the Wyatt Detention Center to end its contract with ICE, @UMBBank sued the city to keep its contract. People over profits
"Dollars should never be made off the misery of people." - @MaiteSalazar4MO

We will not stand idly by while companies like @UMBBank cage our neighbors for profit.

We know what happens next. #NeverAgainIsNow
Read 14 tweets
Nov 24th 2019
BREAKING: 300+ #JewsAgainstICE, immigrants, and allies are assembling in North Carolina to demand thay Almanece County cancel its 2.3 million dollar contract with ICE.

#NeverAgainAlmanece Large crowd of people standing outside facing a state, two large blue butterfly signs held above them
Today many of us has come here as Jews linked with our immigrant brethren. This is not an abstract sentiment. As we know too well the forces white supremacy are against them and against us.

The butterfly is a powerful symbol of immigrants.

It also calls to mind Pavel Friedmann's poem:

"Only I never saw another butterfly.
That butterfly was the last one.
Butterflies don't live in here, in the ghetto."

Read 34 tweets
Nov 11th 2019
Welcome to the Member of Congress Tracking Report for the week ending November 10, 2019. With Congress on recess this week, we are going to do things a bit differently this week. We are going to take a dive into #McConnellsGraveyard.
#MoCTrack 1/33
#GOP keeps trotting out their tired talking point about the “do-nothing-Dems” and all we can concentrate on is #Impeachment.


What you’ll find below are 30 bills of the 300+ that #McConnell has stalled in the Senate.

#MoCTrack #DemCast 2/33…
HR 1 - #ForThePeople

A bill that would improve voting rights, fix campaign finance regulations, and mandate ethics and accountability reforms.
💯 over 100 co-sponsors (236)

#MoCTrack #McConnellsGraveyard 3/33…
Read 33 tweets
Nov 5th 2019
#Throwback to @childrightsprof & @juliemlinton's interview on @cnn with @donlemoncnn last month, where the conditions & impacts of migrant child detention were discussed. (thread)
Children being "put on buses in the middle of the night and being driven across state lines, to locations that were hours and hours away from where their parents were, having siblings dropped off at other locations...being just terrified"
"this administration is breaking the black letter law. The TVPRA clearly requires that children be placed in the least restrictive environment possible, in the child's best interest, and there is no question that [these facilities] are not in the children's best interest..."
Read 6 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
They started 0 tolerance with no tracking system. They didn't count the kids they took. They literally didn't write down their parents names. They took ~300 children UNDER FIVE and 5200 5+ from their parents without making note of who arrived with kids.
* Correction - 300 of the 1500 recently disclosed were under 5. Many more than 300 of the 5500 total were under 5.
If we assume that ratio is about equal among all separations, there have been around 1100 babies and small children, under 5, separated before, during and after 0 tolerance. Not including newborns taken from their mothers in the hospital if a relative couldn't come forward.
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Oct 28th 2019
I forgive you.

It’s difficult to speak up when our beliefs and values are shaken and challenged. I’m glad you did. I’m glad you spoke publicly and I’m glad you are contrite. It’s perceived by me as genuine.

I’m just one progressive voice. I’m not anyone important.
There is nothing wrong with conservative beliefs & values. Conservatives are cautious, steady, reliable, dependable, trustworthy, & honourable in my experience. With open hearts and full of compassion.

Unfortunately, that does not describe the current slate of CPC.
There is something deeply wrong in the CPC. Steven Harper and Jason Kenney are not conservative, they are regressive, authoritarian, nationalist, sanctimonious, judgemental, angry, afraid and illogical. Unreliable and untrustworthy.

Frighteningly dishonourable.
Read 13 tweets
Oct 27th 2019
Wow! Amazing documentary.
The Protestant church, Christianity and relationship to Nazism explained in depth.

@profagagne you may be interested. 1 hour documentary, but jam packed with information on theological history.
If you don’t have time to watch the whole documentary, watch the last 3 minutes & 10 seconds.

An educator explains her experience with teaching other educators how to discuss Anne Frank in their classrooms.

It’s a powerful message.
That 3 minutes and 10 seconds will explain where we are in the trajectory of global developing fascism.

Long past the rhetoric to make hate acceptable, but not quite at the final solution.

It reveals we are much further along than most are aware.

Read 12 tweets
Oct 26th 2019
If you are surprised by this tweets Christian content, you haven’t been paying attention. Jason Kenney’s base is made up of Dominionist Christians. So is Scheer’s.

These people are directly connected to US Dominionist Christians that support Trump.
Yep, you read that correctly, directly linked. Not just by association in religious belief. I mean many of the evangelical churches have sent apostles to Canada to train Christian “warriors” or brought them down to the US to intensively train them to proselytize Canada.
But Kenney and Scheer are Catholic you say?

Same Dominionist Christian affiliation.

The Catholic Church is currently in crisis with Pope Francis at the helm. A schism has been in the making since before Pope Francis was elected.
Read 28 tweets
Oct 25th 2019
As the administration continues forcibly separating migrant children from their families, the administration is looking to build a new facility to detain 450 unaccompanied children in San Antonio, Texas. #CloseTheCamps #NeverAgainIsNow…

When I sounded the alarm about a similar attempt to build another #ConcentrationCamp for kids in CA's Inland Empire, the mobilization effort & huge push back prompted a public statement from a state rep & forced the gov't to ABANDON ITS PLAN.
If you know people in the area, start tagging! A couple people is all it takes to kickstart a pushback from the #resistance
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Oct 17th 2019
HAPPENING NOW: #JewsAgainstICE protesting Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health in Rosemont, PA, to demand in solidarity with @Vamos_Juntos_ that Devereux cancel its $14 million plans to open an ORR detention center for 42 immigrant children in Devon, PA.…
We are protesting child detention camps opening in our own backyards in PA. We are protesting corporations and organizations profiting from collaborating and working with DHS and ICE. We are saying #NeverAgainParaNadie.
BREAKING: #JewsAgainstICE are blocking the entrance to Devereux Behavioral Health. We are demanding, as Jews who have heard the message of #NeverAgain our whole lives, that Devereux end its plan to build a $14 million child detention center.
Read 13 tweets

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