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Apr 30th 2023
There are many of @HC_Richardson “Letters from An American” that should be highlighted. This one is of vital importance because it summarizes where we find ourselves today as we #resist those who mean to strip our rights, protections & freedom.…
According to the nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute, legislatures in at least ten states have set out to weaken federal child labor laws. 2/23
#PayAttentionAmerica #ChildLabor Image
In the first three months of 2023, legislators in IA,MN,MS,NE,OH & SD introduced bills to weaken the regulations that protect children in the workplace & in March, Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a law repealing restrictions for workers younger than 16. 3/23 Image
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Jan 26th 2023
As hundreds pack the hallway of the Nebraska state Capitol, the @NebraskaFreedom Coalition is in hearing room 1113 to bring you testimonials for and against LB 314, 17, and Constitutional Carry - LB77. We will be testifying in support of LB 77 later today 👍🇺🇲 Stay tuned... 👀
@MomsDemand is on site, as is representation from @GunOwners of America, who passed out these hats to those waiting in line 👍 a quick gauge of the crowd has those in favor of constitutional carry out numbering those against - 2 to 1 it would seem 💯 God bless America #2A 🇺🇲
Of note, Republican Senator Geist was at a campaign event earlier and missed the first of 3 bills! Last session, Geist did not support constitutional carry. We hope she gets real and listens to her constituents, in support of constitutional carry this session 👍
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Aug 27th 2022
“My top-level, expert legal analysis of the [Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI search] affidavit is: Why ain’t this dude in jail? What does this man have to do to go to jail?”

@ElieNYC @DrJasonJohnson @CrossConnection
#TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments #TrumpESPIONAGE
“Just the classification markings referred to in this [redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant] affidavit — made the hair on the back of my neck stand up… Literally human lives can be at stake.” @FrankFigliuzzi1

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
“There is a feeling here that [if] Merrick Garland decides not to prosecute Trump, how do you hold anyone else accountable for violating classification rules going forward in the U.S. government?”@JaxAlemany

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
Read 200 tweets
May 26th 2022
“Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to,” said Javier Cazares, whose daughter was killed in the 40-minute #RobbElementary school massacre in #Uvalde

This footage shows armed police pinning one man to the ground
The @nytimes reports that the gunman who killed 19 children & 2 teachers at #RobbElementary was rptdly inside the school for “ROUGHLY AN HOUR” hour before police shot him

The real outrage though, is the failure of successive US govts to introduce #GunReform.
#GunControlNow #guns
N.B. - I chose to post this video only after careful deliberation

Posting videos of families in such horrific circumstances should be avoided wherever possible

However, since no faces are clearly visible & since what the footage reveals is important, I took the decision to post
Read 5 tweets
Oct 18th 2021
This was what I worried would happen with @Booker4KY. Not be on the offensive with @RandPaul, who's an abysmal, but only on the defensive when need to. Just like the @KyDems always do, which is a losing strategy. But Booker's running on policies that are materially popular!!!
Here's a fun fact about running in an election... If you run as an Aggressive & Offensive Candidate with Policies that help the People & their Material Well-being, then you win.
Here's how I know; In the 2015 Midterms, @AlanGrayson of the @FlaDems, he won with no problem. He was unapologetic when being a "#Progressive", stands up with his Principles & goes for the Jugular in Political Ads at his Opponents on how their Policies are Wrong, Evil & Bad &...
Read 34 tweets
Apr 19th 2021
They usually fit a certain profile, don’t they? Deranged, hateful white men. Let’s call them what they are, #DomesticTerrorists, and prosecute them accordingly. Call your senator today and everyday until they do something about it!
#GunReform #BackgroundChecks #MomsDemandAction
Here’s an interesting article on race and mass shootings. The majority of such incidents ARE committed by white men. But the issue is more complex that I had given serious thought to. I think this article is worth a read.…
I always find @DaveChappelle insightful and wise, especially when it comes to race. I recommend listening to his comments on mass shootings.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 18th 2021
"This includes an estimated 434 million firearms in civilian possession, with about half, 214 million, of those entering the market since 1991. Of those, "America's Rifle," the AR-15 and @AnastasiaYeager @QueenBeeCanadas #GunReform @threadreaderapp unroll
similar semi-automatics dubbed Modern Sporting Rifles by the NSSF, account for an estimated 19.8 million." There has been an explosion in gun sell driven by gun manufacturers since 1991.
They seized control of the NRA and drove gun sales with fear and fear of losing guns, then the Republicans relaxed the laws on guns and they unwilling to correct the problem So we have problems with people getting gun who should not have them. @threadreaderapp unroll
Read 3 tweets
Mar 23rd 2021

Was just thinking there were few mass shootings during the pandemic.

Unfortunately, it looks like we're getting "back to normal" now.

This thread has some of my thoughts on mass shootings, #guns , & #GunReform through the years:

#Boulder #Atlanta…

"Guns make gun owners feel safer"

"...while a few mass shooters in history have had serious mental illnesses, the more typical shooter has experienced the kind of milder difficulties with mood, anxiety, and social interactions with which most of us have some personal familiarity."…
Read 11 tweets
Feb 28th 2021
27 years ago on Feb. 28, 1994, the #BradyBill became law. It established our nation's background check system on gun sales.

This is the story of violence survivor Jim Brady — and how we have the opportunity today to strengthen the Brady Bill and save even more lives.

In 1981, @WhiteHouse Press Secretary Jim Brady was shot in the head during the assassination attempt on President Reagan.

He spent the rest of his life physically recovering — and fighting for solutions to prevent gun violence. #EndGunViolence #GunReform ImageImageImage
The gunman who left Jim Brady paralyzed would have been blocked from buying his gun if federal background checks had existed.

This tragedy — and so many more like it, which continue today — could have been prevented by common-sense gun reform solutions.…
Read 12 tweets
Feb 20th 2021
No, “AR” doesn’t stand for “Assault Rifle,” but was it designed as a military assault rifle to kill people?

A short thread >>> You decide and be #ArmedWithReason

#GunOwnerForGunReform #GunReform #NoRA
1/3: ArmaLite first developed AR-15 in late 40s as a military rifle & sold patent to Colt who developed it into the M16 & ramped up production of semiautomatic version for law enforcement marketed as the AR-15 designed to kill PEOPLE!
2/3: The AR-15 was developed as a military weapon. The AR-15 came first, in 1947 & tested in Vietnam; the M16 a decade later. There are only subtle differences such as semi vs full auto. Bump stock helps with that. Learn more:

Read 4 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
Mary Jennings Hegar (MJ) is an American politician, United States Air Force veteran, and teacher. In 2017, she published the memoir “Shoot Like a Girl” which describes her service in Afghanistan.She also sued the U.S. Air Force to remove the Combat Exclusion Policy. #TXsen
“We must create a public option to make Medicare available for all those who want it. The best health care I’ve ever had was when I was on military-provided Tricare, similar to Medicare, and I believe that kind of high-quality care should be made available to all Americans.” 2/20
“I will oppose any effort to privatize, dismantle or undercut #Medicare, including raising the eligibility age.” ~ MJ Hegar, candidate for #TXsenate 3/20
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Jul 8th 2020
The UN Arms Trade Treaty doesn’t inhibit law abiding citizens’ gun use or sales, AT ALL!!

That’s completely untrue, & the @NRA knows it.

Let’s talk about what’s really happening here, because the gun lobby sure as hell won’t tell you the truth. #GunReform
The UN ATT helps to crack down on international illicit arms deals, ranging from firearms to tanks.

It actively seeks to prevent weapons from falling into hands of those that would abuse human rights around the world.
#VeryStableGenius announced the decision to pull us out of this worldwide treaty.... at an NRA conference.

The NRA seeks to boost weapons sales by whatever means necessary, ensuring a nice little payday for themselves in return.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
The gun violence epidemic in the U.S. affects certain groups differently, which we need to acknowledge considering it’s LGBTQ Pride month.🏳️‍🌈

This crisis is covered up by Republicans/NRA. They suppress relevant voices & tell lies to distract from the truth. Let’s talk #GunReform.
Falsehoods like this are spread: “The NRA wants the LGBTQ community to be armed, because their safety is valued. Equal rights means loose gun laws for all.”
The NRA wants everyone to be armed because that sells more guns. It brings more profit, & buys more mansions for its CEO Wayne LaPierre (while squandering members’ dues)....

The NRA doesn’t respect the LGBTQ community though.
Read 12 tweets
May 18th 2020
Ahmaud Arbery

He’s the victim of a modern day lynching in America. It’s absolutely disgusting that a great many people are defending this killing.

We CANNOT allow laws like Stand Your Ground to give lethal racism a license to kill.
There is a myth, perpetuated by the @NRA & Republicans:

“Stand Your Ground laws ensure society is safer, if I’m allowed to shoot anyone who threatens me.”

That’s why a former police officer shot an innocent black man out for a jog, & why prosecutors declined to charge them.
This lie is the MOST VILE law they currently peddle. SYG laws allow a person to legally shoot someone who they deem a threat, even if they may safely & easily retreat to prevent escalation!

It’s a classic situation where everyone thinks they’re the “good guy w/ a gun”.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 11th 2020
@Urban_Idealist_ The case was retried in 2012 & lest we forget the murder victim was a black #girl/ child. In the Bay Area I was alarmed when a black #woman was set on fire in Oakland tied to a chair alive...I was sad no one seemed to care, barely made the news. Maybe Sunny can discuss why?🤷🏻‍♀️
@Urban_Idealist_ Tyesha Edwards was a Black little girl. Retrial 👉🏼Still proclaiming his innocence, Myon Burrell was sentenced this morning to more than 50 years in prison for the killing of 11-year-old Tyesha Edwards in South Minneapolis.
@TheView 1/…
@Urban_Idealist_ @TheView “Her mother told Hennepin County District Judge Charles Porter that the gunshots, the gang violence and the killings throughout the black community had to stop. “ 2/
Read 13 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
Many guests at tonight's #SOTU are survivors of gun violence. So even if Trump refuses to address gun violence — an epidemic that's killed 120k people since he took office — its presence in the room will be felt deeply.

Here’s who’s in attendance. (THREAD) #MomentsThatSurvive
A guest of @RepTomSuozzi, Linda Beigel Schulman, whose son Scott was murdered 2 years ago at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

Linda stands with Rep. Suozzi in urging Trump to pass universal background checks. #MomentsThatSurvive #SOTU
A guest of @SpeakerPelosi, @Brady_CA’s Mattie Scott. Mattie's been fighting for gun reform ever since her son, George, was shot and killed in 1996.

Mattie is tireless. This is the 4th year she's joined Speaker Pelosi as a #SOTU guest. #MomentsThatSurvive
Read 10 tweets
Oct 28th 2019
Welcome to the #Pennsylvania Member of Congress Tracking Report for the week ending 10/27/19.

This is where you'll find all the votes and quotes from our PA House members as well as @SenBobCasey and @SenToomey.
#MoCTrack 1/24
@SenBobCasey @SenToomey The awesome folks at @538Politics help us assess the extent to which our MoCs vote along with the Trump Administration agenda. We track that index in each week’s #MoCTrack Report.

#MoCTrack 2/24
@SenBobCasey @SenToomey @538politics This week, the House voted on the #ShieldAct, a measure that provides election security from foreign interference AND incorporates legislation introduced by #PA06’s @RepHoulahan and #PA17’s @RepConorLamb.

#MoCTrack 3/24…
Read 24 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
We desperately need #GunReform laws in the U.S. #MassacreMitch has an A+ rating by the NRA, & has taken $ MILLIONS, ensuring no gun laws pass.

R’s are handmaidens to the gun lobby, ensuring thousands die yearly, so long as they get #NRABloodMoney.…
Now #MassacreMitch has stated he will only allow a Senate vote on #GunReform laws IF #VeryStableGenius is guaranteed to sign it. He wants to be absolved of any responsibility.



These deaths are on his hands though. He requests to be known as the Grim Reaper on passing legislation. He certainly lives up to the name.

The NRA is in Republicans’ pocketbooks as well as ears, telling them how to spread fear & lies about guns to the public.

We know better.
Read 384 tweets
Sep 4th 2019
NEW THREAD: (TL;DR - The 2nd Amendment was never intended as a limitless right to private firearms ownership.)

18th Century concepts of 'militia' in America were very different than popular understanding these days. #2A #GunReformNow
In the late 1700s, the militias were the backbone of security for the newly established USA. Every adult white man from age 16 and up was required to be in the militia. It was the 18th Century version of compulsory military service. #2A #GunReformNow
The militia were viewed as a bulwark against the tyranny of a standing army. Because of their experience with the British Red Coats, Americans were robustly against a paid, standing army.

(Clearly, in 2019, having a standing army is no longer a concern for most Americans.) #2A
Read 15 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
@BetoORourke given circumstances you weren’t able to do a meet and greet, but you inspired me to share my Why with you. This is Bodhi. He’ll be 1 in October and his dad works a job that is unnecessarily dangerous. I’m a teacher.
Last year in my school, we had 3 shooting threats. 1 was unfounded, but 2 weren’t. The students had weapons, plans and were coming had it not been for two students. Two students that made sure I had the opportunity to tweet this to you.
Two students that made sure Bodhi’s daddy came home to tuck him in that night. It shouldn’t be like this. My wife shouldn’t respond in fear when I tell her my class is near the entrance. I’m a teacher. I’m not trained for that. There’s no class for this. No preparation.
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Aug 5th 2019
I think I have an answer to the #GunReform logjam that should get overwhelming support among American patriots of both parties:

**Make military service compulsory for anyone who purchases a gun.**

If you buy a gun, you’re in the Reserves. It’s what the Framers intended, right?
This compulsory enlistment would reflect the literal Constitutional language, which focuses on the right to bear arms as directly related to the security of our nation. It would also ensure that all guns are registered and that gun owners learn how to safely use them.
Countries all over the world have compulsory military service, including some of our President’s favorite countries: Russia, the UAE, North Korea and Israel. The latter two, along with Armenia, Cape Verde, Chad, China, Eritrea, Norway and Sweden, have it for men AND women.
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Aug 5th 2019
Trump wants to tie gun reform to immigration.

His immigration hate speeches are the main motive of the shooter. WTF
The only tie between #GunReform and immigration is that our guns and bullets immigrate south to fuel violence and create refugees.

I can’t say what I want to say.
3/. Oh, video games are the problem.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 26th 2019
It's easy to celebrate those on the front lines. Those willing and able to speak in front of hundreds, sometimes thousands. Those capable gitterdone types. We applaud and support their work always, don’t we?
We also must celebrate those in the back. The people who have anxieties or time constraints that keep them from being the “leader.” They are quietly calling Congress, having tough conversations with friends and family, addressing local Dem issues.
They are writing #PostcardsToVoters, often alone, spending their own cash to support elections in locations far from their home. They may not be organizing or giving speeches, but they are just as important, just as inspiring.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 17th 2018
The NRA (falsely) vilifies this attempt to make communities safer by cherry picking and rewording this proposal.

Let me break it down for you.

#GunReform #NRABloodMoney #Enough #NRAIsATerroristOrg
The proposal includes a future ban on the sale of assault-style weapons.

These weapons are by no means necessary for self defense. They’re very well suited however for shooting up classrooms full of children.
The proposal also includes a “ban on common firearm accessories”.

Accessories such as bump stocks that alter a firearm to rapid fire has no place whatsoever in the hands of civilians.

I don’t care if it’s super common. There’s no excuse for possessing one. At all.
Read 7 tweets

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