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Apr 21st 2021
Asked about the government delay, @FiLiA_charity says we must take enough time to make policy that works for everyone, which needs proper democratic discussion, to strike a position and policy which is balanced.
@Womans_Place_UK what has made the debate toxic is the insistence that any objection has been transphobic. There's been a failure by bodies that have a duty to foster good relations, like @EHRC. it's been left to grassroots women's groups to take personal risks.
NW: When we did speak to people on the streets, they didn't call us transphobic, they said thank you for explaining the issues. It is not hateful to do this. The effect on women and girls has to be discussed.
Read 44 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
The government was very clear about the importance of hearing women’s voices in the #GRA consultation. This is from the ministerial forward…
“We also want to be clear that this is an explorative consultation and we do not have all the answers. That is why, as we consult, we are mindful of the need to engage with all perspectives... #WomenAtWESC
“We particularly want to hear from women’s groups who we know have expressed some concerns about the implications of our proposals... #WomenAtWESC
Read 6 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
Today at 2.30 we will be giving evidence to Women & Equalities Committee alongside @fairplayforwomen @filia_pix #womenatwesc Thank you for all your messages and long-standing support. Nothing about us without us.
Our portfolio of written consultation submissions relating to the rights of women including this #WESC consultation can be viewed here

We welcome our new followers watching #WomenatWESC

We are a left wing feminist organisation

To read our manifesto & our campaigns 👇🏿…
Read 24 tweets

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