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Mar 1st 2021
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1/10 "Behind mask of an authoritarian regime, a modern nation state is waiting to emerge. Let us hope when spring comes, and snow thaws, the pathway to freedom and democracy will be clearer." @rogercasale Vera Mรณra #StandWithBelarus #QuoVadis @VoxEuropโ€ฆ
2/10 "On #WorldNGODay and the Day of Crimean Resistance to the Russian Occupation, we, the undersigned, call for an end to the persecution of journalists and NGO activists in #Belarus and #Crimea."

Sign our Call to End Persecutions in Belarus and Crimeaโ€ฆ Image
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Feb 27th 2018
Folks, today is #WorldNGOday & here's a little info about the Worldโ€™s biggest volunteer led NGO, albeit little known for its NGO work - @ArtofLiving. This thread is dedicated to all our volunteers, including our best volunteer & ultimate inspiration, Gurudev @SriSri Ravi Shankar.
Mention @artofliving & most people think of yoga & meditation. We forget the humanitarian work, for example, the 700,000 prison inmates rehabilitated across 60 countries. Or free education by @artoflivingschools in 20 Indian states to 58,904 students from 435 schools.
Did you know that we have set up 7 Waste Management Plants? Or that we have rejuvenated or revived 35 rivers? We have constructed 25000+ water recharge structures, removed 512 tons of garbage removed from the Yamuna and have planted 71 million trees across the world?
Read 10 tweets

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