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Oct 29th 2021
By now, you must have seen the horrifying videos of @hydcitypolice unlocking people’s phones and searching their chats for keywords like ‘ganja’ and ‘weed’.

We’ve assisted @digitaldutta in sending a legal notice to the #Hyderabad Police Commissioner. 1/n…
News report videos by @TheSiasatDaily showed police officials in Hyderabad stopping pedestrians, motorcycle/autorickshaw drivers and riders. They appeared to be taking their phones and going through them. 2/n
A police official confirmed this and said:

👉🏾 5 teams deployed
👉🏾 Police checking phones for keywords - ‘ganja’, ‘weed’ and ‘stuff’
👉🏾 Any phone with these words being sent to the police station
👉🏾 Checking for over a month from 6am to 2am everyday 3/n…
Read 8 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
EXPLAINED: The RBI's #AccountAggregator framework that went live on 2 Sept '21! This new change was heralded as "transformative" to the financial ecosystem.

But does its revolutionary potential stand the test? Follow this thread ⬇️ 1/5 #SaveOurPrivacy…
This framework tries to make #financialdata more accessible between banks or other "Financial Information Providers" and entities requesting that data (like credit platforms) called "Financial Information Users" with the consent of the user.

Here's how it works ⬇️ 2/5
#AccountAggregator supporters say this is a step towards a secure, efficient, & connected financial ecosystem — reducing costs + frauds while prioritising user consent.

But critics say that security issues exist, while the role of RBI in regulating AAs has been questioned. 3/5
Read 7 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
Surveillance doesn't mean safety. Yet, Indian cities are cashing in on the myth to increase surveillance infrastructure.

We wrote to the Lt. Governor of Delhi, highlighting privacy concerns that arise from illegal CCTV deployment. #SaveOurPrivacy 1/5…
"World's most surveilled city" is not a tag to be proud of! In the last 10 yrs, 4100 CCTVs have been installed — Cost: 231.44 Crore INR. #Delhi

The need for safeguards to prevent privacy violations was recognised earlier & needs to be recognised now. 2/5…
On May 8 '18, a Committee was constituted by the LG to draft a SOP for CCTV use in public spaces — the Draft Rules for Regulation of CCTV Systems were framed but not put in place.

But present CCTV deployment in Delhi is under a non-legal SOP, and privacy concerns arise. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
#eRUPI #UPI Vouchers for benefits is a radical departure from #DBT. Purpose and person aware #G2P payments are here. #SaveOurPrivacy… is digitized food stamps, but crucial digitization difference is it converts a bearer instrument like stamp / coupon into a person / purpose specific instrument, embedding automatic data emission about beneficiary upon use.
The naming of this is curious. When countries around the world are discussing #CBDC / issuing new digital currency, naming a private payment instrument #eRUPI is sign of things to come (?). One can only speculate at the moment.
Read 17 tweets
May 30th 2021
Draft Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Regulations, 2021 -…

Draft put for consultation 'silently' by @UIDAI on May 20, 2021 and closing by June 2, 2021.

Some highlights on thread.

@SFLCin @internetfreedom @nixxin
The proposed regulations will supersede the Aadhaar (Authentication) Regulations, 2016…

Context : This is the regulation relating to Authentication coming after #Aadhaar Amendments and the Aadhaar Good Governance Rules 2020
TLDR - This regulations is around authentication framework, including offline verification appointment of requesting entities and AUA/ASA, Obligations of Offline Verification Seeking Entities (OVSE), eKYC guidelines, regulations around logs, audit, transaction data
Read 23 tweets
May 23rd 2021
Too many carbs are no longer not only bad for our health, but also cyber security. Today, the entire Domino’s DB has been exposed and is circulating widely. We are intentionally *not* linking to it since it exposes sensitive personal data. 1/n #SaveOurPrivacy
Such data breaches put you to immense risk. They create threat vectors for financial cyber crimes and also ID fraud. What makes this worse, is the seeming inaction and acknowledgment by data processors who we trust with out personal data. 2/n
Immediate government response is of considerable concern given that there is inaction by @IndianCERT & @GoI_MeitY despite regular and persistent requests by us investigate, provide guidance and lay out a framework for notifications to impacted victims. We urge them to act! 3/n
Read 6 tweets
May 11th 2021
Conceptual diagram of "State Family Database" Platform in proposed @TNeGA_Official RFP released by previous #ADMK government. Such privacy violating centralized databases destroy self respect of people and deny fundamental right to privacy. 1/ Conceptual diagram of SFDB ...
Request @ManoMLA @mkstalin initiate public consultation before proceeding with anti-people database projects initiated by previous regime. #SaveOurPrivacy #ScrapSFDB cc @WriterRavikumar @sindhan @SundarrajanG
Not only IDs reduces people as identifiers in ETL pipelines - They burn $ when snake oil is used for service delivery building a surveillance database. @ptrmadurai - Please don't get fooled by sub-contractors of consultants write databases / algos to tell how state must spend ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Apr 21st 2021

Tracking the evolution of #CoWIN from message string differences. Did you know if you have a name longer than 50 characters, you can't get vaccinated ? cc @internetfreedom @SFLCin #VaccinationForAll Image
Report AEFI is no longer available in self service app, possibly moved out to vaccinator app. One could still 'report' though. Image
Beneficiary DoB is collected in the new self registration flow. #SaveOurPrivacy Image
Read 7 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021
In 2018 @GoI_MeitY refused to provide us with public consultation comments on the Data Protection Bill in response to our RTI request.

After 3 years of pursuing this, the Central Information Commission has held that MeitY's denial is grossly improper.
The RTI reply stated that the comments were confidential, but the CPIO did not cite any provision under section 8 of the RTI Act, 2005 to support this. Thus, the refusal was without basis and illegal.
So we filed an appeal before the First Appellate Authority.
The FAA replied that the information can’t be shared under section 8(1)(i) of the RTI Act.

But this section provides exemptions for cabinet papers, and doesn’t apply to our request!
Read 6 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
We have written to @IndianCERT asking them to initiate an inquiry over the Mobikwik data breach under Sec. 70B(6) of the IT Act. We lay out 5 steps MobiKwik must take to alleviate the situation. Pls read and RT for public knowledge.
Over 8.2 TB of data of MobiKwik users has reportedly been put on sale over the dark web with an asking price of 1.5 Bitcoin (~ INR 65 Lakhs). The leak includes KYC, passport, address, email, phone number and aadhar card details of 10 Crore Indians.…
MobiKwik's denial has been countered by independent researchers who indicate that a breach has occurred. MobiKwik also reportedly sought help from Amazon last month after they discovered that someone outside the organisation downloaded their S3 data.

Read 10 tweets
Dec 4th 2020
Spurred by recent happenings we've created an explainer on the 'AgriStack' proposed by the Centre. Through this explainer we wish to provide an introduction to the 'Agristack' and its potential benefits and drawbacks and start a public conversation. 1/n…
The AgriStack is a collection of technologies and digital databases proposed by the Central Government. Its ostensible aim is to collect certain data about farmers and their land and use this data to address issues such a lack of formal credit, pest prevention, and wastage.
Here’s a quick graphic intro explaining AgriStack that can be easily shared with friends and people who might find this useful. Please feel free to forward within relevant groups! #SaveOurPrivacy
Read 5 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
Read our recommendations to @DGCAIndia on the Draft UAS (Drones) Rules. Our main recommendations were the introduction of privacy protecting measures & the prohibition of aerial surveillance. #SaveOurPrivacy
The draft Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2020 were notified on June 2, 2020. An unmanned aircraft system includes a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone, a ground based controller and a system of communications between the two.
We have previously sent a legal notice (Ref. No. 143/2019) to the DGCA on December 27, 2019 on the illegal use of drones by the Delhi Police during the December 2019 protests.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
On May 15, 2020 we filed a RTI request with @MoCA_GoI on the conditional exemption issued for the use of drones for COVID-19 related activities. #SaveOurPrivacy
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In their reply dated July 3, 2020 they have provided us with a list of authorities who have been issued the conditional exemption.
2/n ImageImage
We have previously sent a representation to @MoCA_GoI and @DGCAIndia pertaining to the conditional exemption.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
Impact : This is a positive development and thank @nitin_gadkari and the @MORTHIndia. We had noted concerns on the sale of vehicular data and it’s impact on privacy earlier in the year.…
For more context reports had emerged how this personal data which was made publicly available as noted in the thread below.
We immediately noticed government responsiveness in terms of masking of vehicular data but the core demand to stop the sale of such personal data remained outstanding. It seemingly has been addressed today.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 12th 2020
Yesterday, we joined the #DigitalLawsAsia discussion to talk about threats to free expression in India. Today, we are back to talk about the importance of data protection and surveillance reform in a world where our smartphones know us better than ourselves. 1/n
India currently does not have a data protection law and the proposed Bill which is being evaluated by a Joint Parliamentary Committee grants wide exemptions to the govt and fails to provide adequate independent oversight. 2/n #DigitalLawsAsia
Here is our submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee highlighting problems in the proposed Personal Data Protection Bill. 3/n #DigitalLawsAsia…
Read 19 tweets
May 3rd 2020
Wondering about Aarogya Setu? We have a video explainer on the concerns around data privacy and surveillance. Please note some portions of the privacy policy have changed since we shot it. However our core recommendations remain. #SaveOurPrivacy
This video is based off a longer working paper that we are in the process of updating. You can review it and send us comments! We are trying to put the best recommendations to government to protect your digital rights. #SaveOurPrivacy…
Finally, we have been working hard over many months to advocate for comprehensive data protection and survelliance reform through a privacy law. This also includes going to court. View more of this work and support the campaign here.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 19th 2020
Thread on surveillance!

Brilliant work by investigative journalists (@kum_sambhav) and digital rights activist @digitaldutta has alerted us of Government projects which aim to centralise databases and collect people’s call records for mass collection of personal data.
This poses a serious risk of mass surveillance. This thread collates the latest developments and also links you to a few instructional videos we have prepared on the subject under our #SaveOurPrivacy campaign.
Read Part 1 of the surveillance series about the National Social Registry which will provide real time information to the government about every individual’s religion, caste, income, education, marital status, employment etc.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 28th 2020
IFF has responded to the call for public comments and suggestions by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 and sent across a submission on behalf of the #SaveOurPrivacy campaign.…
Major Concerns that should be addressed by the JPC
✅Inclusion and treatment of social media intermediaries in the Bill
✅Surveillance reform
✅Exceptions for central government to access non-personal data
✅Independent Data Protection Authority
✅“Reasonable Purposes” exemption
Additionally, we have also appended two issue specific briefs which address workplace surveillance under clause 13 of the Bill and the relationship between the PDP Bill and the National Population Register respectively.…
Read 3 tweets
Jan 25th 2020
The Data Protection Bill is stepping towards finalisation. Are there any issues? How should we fix them? Read a public brief and analysis prepared by #SaveOurPrivacy volunteers. 1/4…
This public brief and analysis reduces the confusing history of the Data Protection Bill to six clear bullets. We hope this helps in reducing confusion and helps grow civic education! You can download it directly on the link below. 2/4 #SaveOurPrivacy… 6 Key Facts on the Legislat...
The draft Data Protection Bill has 98 sections and runs into 44 pages. That’s a lot to read! Don’t fear. We have analysed it clause by clause, first as a summary and then a detailed analysis. 3/4 #SaveOurPrivacy Image
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Jan 24th 2020

The Lok Sabha Secretariat is seeking your views on the Data Protection Bill, 2019. 👇🏽 #SaveOurPrivacy
Starting tomorrow throughout this consultation we will be helping you and parliamentarians with analysis and explainers on the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019. #SaveOurPrivacy
While the Joint Committee on Data Protection has invited public participation, we urge it to consider further steps.

1/ Publish Indic language versions

2/ All materials may be published in the public domain

3/ Public depositions…
Read 3 tweets
Nov 27th 2019
The awaited Data Protection Bill may be introduced in this session of Parliament! Why do we need a data protection law you ask? Remember the #SaveOurPrivacy campaign videos? Now is a good time to revisit them!
1/10 Image
Let’s go back in time a little to see how far India has come. On August 24, 2017, the SC upholds the right to privacy in India in Puttaswamy. #PrivacySupreme indeed.…
During the course of the hearings in the SC the Govt scurries; It sets up the Srikrishna Committee to frame a Data Protection Law, headed by Retd. J. Srikrishna.…
Read 10 tweets
Jan 8th 2019
Two privacy threatening bills listed in the Rajya Sabha tomorrow.

1. Aadhaar Amendment Bill

2. DNA Profiling Bill

Both of them have been sent from the Lok Sabha despite a credible and clear ask by opposition MPs to:

1. Don't bulldoze

2. First bring a privacy law
Notable opposition to both legislations by MPs include those by: @SatpathyLive @ShashiTharoor @PremachandranNk. Thank you sirs, for standing up for parliamentary scrutiny of legislations and our fundamental rights. #SaveOurPrivacy
@SatpathyLive @ShashiTharoor @PremachandranNk Tomorrow it is to the Rajya Sabha to safeguard us.

We have confirmed, neither legislation is a money bill and will not pass without vote. Hence the role of the Rajya Sabha through its MPs is vital.

We urge for leadership. We urge for parliamentary scrutiny. We urge for privacy.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 24th 2018
Today’s @IndianExpress front page story reports on fresh Government attempts:

a) Break end-to-end encryption by requiring traceability; #SaveOurPrivacy

b) “Pro-active” monitoring and removal of, “unlawful content” by online platforms; #RightToMeme…
@IndianExpress First Question is on process and transparency.

1) Why is this being done secretively ?

2) Why are the only parties involved in this process the Government and a select group of private online platforms?

3) Why is there no public consultation ? #SaveOurPrivacy
@IndianExpress The government is approaching a top-down product solution on traceability in a seeming private negotiation with a handful of tech companies.

What about people who use these products?

What about involving experts?

What about smaller apps which use encryption? #SaveOurPrivacy
Read 15 tweets

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