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Sep 14th 2021
I went to the #RoyalAlexandriaHospital today to support the hospital staff being #harassed by #AntiVaxxers. I stayed until shortly after 3 pm but the time I was there was... Eventful.

#AbLeg #RAH #Antimaskers #PPC
First, we met THIS "gentleman," who I will call Mr. PPC because he showed up in a grey convertible with a #PPC sign on the dashboard, and a decal at the top of the windshield saying Wildrose. He parked on the grass and came out with a megaphone straight for us. Image
Mr. PPC here gave us three different sob stories about a cousin who relapsed into opioids, a brother-in-law who shot himself, and a third person I don't remember, who died.

Mr. PPC was very adamant (yet completely unclear) that all three deaths were a result of "the lockdown."
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