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Just when you think your
vote doesn't matter,
1/ In 2021, the Liberal Party set a record for the LOWEST EVER share of the popular vote for a party forming a government. That share was 32.6% of voters. NDP was at 7.6%.
2/ Voter turnout was only 62.3%, which means almost 40% of Canadians DID NOT VOTE.
3/ Based on a voter turnout of 62.3%, it can be said that only 20.3% of all registered voters actually voted for PM Trudeau & the Liberal Party.
In other words, almost 80% of voters in Canada DID NOT VOTE for Trudeau and the Liberals.
Read 12 tweets

#BritishColumbia #MLAs are beginning to work contrary to the interests of the democratic principles of Canada and @DrBonnieHenry wants to vaccinate people forever.

Sources taken from

It seems #BC is about to be subjected to more vaccine requirements, and @DrBonnieHenry, seemingly meeting no opposition, wants to expand the power of her office. Image

There is no expiration date to this order so we are not even pretending that we are dealing with an 'emergency' anymore. Image
Read 8 tweets
@PierrePoilievre didn't post it on his Twitter feed but condemned 'vile' views of Germany's @AndersonAfDMdEP in the media.
POLL: Will @PierrePoilievre remove CPC MPs Dean Allison, Colin Carrie & Leslyn Lewis who met with Anderson at a paid dinner from the CPC caucus?
Pls Comment
@globalnews @CBCNews @CTVNews @NatObserver all reported Poilievre denounced 'vile' and 'racist' views of @AndersonAfDMdEP who met with 3 of his MPs, 2 of whom (Lewis & Allison) have postured that didn't know who she was or what she believes.
Read 22 tweets
Annnd here we have the typical #NevrePoilievre & his comms team, trying to have it both ways. Neo-Nazi (& pro-Putin disinformationist) Christine Anderson, supports & meets with the same people in ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ that Polievre boosted. #FreeDumbConvoy #cdnpoli
In a July video, Christine Anderson made reference to #NevrePoilievre being called โ€œa terroristโ€ (he wasnโ€™t called that, but Anderson is incapable of avoiding lying) for bringing the convoy occupationists, coffee.

#CPC members have supported & fuelled far right extremists.
So trying to pretend that #CPC MPs โ€œdidnโ€™t knowโ€ who Anderson is & what she stands for, is nonsense. There is one degree of separation between what she supports & what CPC members support. #NeverVoteConservative #cdnpoli
Read 6 tweets
This thread will be ongoing as I make more videos.

Important information on the Party Leaders.

Some Information will be shocking.

๐Ÿ’ฅViewer Discretion is advised ๐Ÿ’ฅ

To help inform Canadians, please share across social media

Pierre has denounced WEF but his ties to it and the UN are shocking.

Share to inform Canadians across all platforms

Politicians say a lot of pretty things. WHAT they talk about is incredibly important.

This is eye opening!

Please inform Canadians across all Platforms
Read 7 tweets
I wrote a book that made me $2.4mil, and it was never sold in bookstores or made any best seller lists.

Hereโ€™s what I learnedโ€ฆ ๐Ÿงต
Length doesnโ€™t matter

My book was thinner than a pencil.

Only 70ish pages long.

I wrote it by writing a 10 day email series. Slapped an intro and outro on it and VOILA - a book!
Upsell to audio

Most people buying your book donโ€™t want to wait for shipping.

Theyโ€™ll gladly pay another $10-$20 for the audiobook version. Cost me only $300 on Fiverr for the voiceover.
Read 10 tweets
@acoyne has suggested using the Federal power of disallowance if the provinces - looking at you Alberta - get too uppity. "Anti-consitutionalism" or some such nonsense. 1/
The problem, which Coyne fails to recognize, is that the Trudeau regime, elected by 32% of the voters, has rendered itself irrelevant to, if not actively hostile towards, a huge number of regionally concentrated Canadians. 2/
The regime's agenda of climate change, DEI, mass immigration, mandated jabs, internet censorship and brutally ignorant "gun" control may focus group well in the bits of Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Vancouver the Libs need but not in the rest of the country. 3/
Read 14 tweets
You won't find me on any "Comma Clubs" but I've built a 7 figure membership site, and we have thousands of members.

Here's the best methods I've tested for acquiring FLOODS of new members... Screenshot
1/ FREE TRIAL (duh)

Dan Kennedy said it best "Free trials will TRIPLE your sign up rate." There's a reason why EVERY successful SaaS company starts with a free trial. People want to see inside and give it a test run. Which brings me to my next MAJOR tip...

Every customers fear is that when they get inside they might not like the product. Make sure on your sales page or somewhere in your marketing material you have a video tour. This is a 10-20 minute video that shows visitors everything they get inside.
Read 14 tweets
Hard work never goes in vain. This is what I got on Amazon for BFCM for one of my client. A whopping ROAS of 15 with sales in six digits.
And these numbers will improve further due to attribution model and delayed reporting in Amazon ads.
Get in touch with me via DM if you want such amazing results.
Read 3 tweets
So @acoyne and Warren Kinsella wrote essentially the same column suggesting the re-election of Legault in Quebec and the elevation of Smith to the Premiership in Alberta were direct challenges to the legitimacy of the federal government. 1/
They may well be, but the real problem for the supporters of the federal government is that @PierrePoilievre and much of the @CPC_HQ are not nearly as wedded to the "Canadian" consensus as the LPC/NDP/legacy media is. 2/
If Scheer or, especially, O'Toole had become PM the Canadian consensus on abortion, gay rights, climate change, immigration and the primacy of the federal gov't would not have changed a bit. The blob would continue to ooze into provincial jurisdictions. 3/
Read 18 tweets
@acoyne thinks @PierrePoilievre is not, himself, an extremist but is a man willing to pander to people Coyne thinks are extremists. By which Coyne means truckers, freedom enthusiasts, the vax hesitant, free speechers and climate skeptics. 1/
There are an ever changing set of beliefs which right thinking Canadians are expected to have. First and foremost - Donald Trump is evil incarnate. Second, "American style" anything - free speech, gun rights, healthcare - is un Canadian. 2/
Third, there is a Canadian "consensus" on social issues such as homosexuality, abortion, womens' rights, First Nations policy, the importance of BLM and trans rights and if you disagree you are a bigoted misogynistic racist who has no place in the public square. 3/
Read 12 tweets
In Canada our Charter Rights are subject to such limits as are demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. So says S.1 of the Charter. Govt action limiting rights is subject to review using the criteria in Oakes which are fairly stringent. 1/
There are a series of actions pending before the Federal Court and the British Columbia Supreme Court seeking to overturn the travel mandates, vax passports and various other COVID related measures which prima facie take away Canadians' Charter Rights. 2/
In each of these cases the govt, federal or provincial, will have to meet the various branches of the Oakes test. Proportionality, rational connection and so on. 3/
Read 16 tweets
So two things seem to be happening, @CPC_HQ does not seem to be able to stop @PierrePoilievre from taking the leadership. Speculation is growing that come Fall, there will be a push for a rerun of the lockdown/passport system in support of the 2nd Gen jab. 1/
New lockdowns/passports/mandates to push another lightly tested product is, at this stage, speculative but a claque of Covidians seem intent on re-masking and excited about the jab 2.0. So, assuming PP becomes leader, what will he do? 2/
The politics of COVID seem to be that the more urban you are the more terrified of the bug you are and the more eager you are for strict measures for the greater good regardless of scientific or health merit. 3/
Read 10 tweets
#SEO factors to consider:
1. Crawlability
2. High-quality content
3. Backlinks
4. User experience
5. Page speed
6. Rich content like photos & video
7. Effective keyword targeting
8. Content syndication
9. Sitemaps
10. Structured data
1. Crawlability โ€” if your site is set to noindex, Google won't index it.

Ensure that your website structure is set so that all pieces of content are within 3 clicks of the homepage.

Submit URLs to Search Console using the "inspect UIRL" tool.
2. High-quality content answers the user query entirely. Users should be able to learn everything they need to know about your topic without ever leaving your site.

Short paragraphs, 1-2 sentences max. Use bullet points, bold important key terms, focus on mobile device reading.
Read 12 tweets
๐˜พ๐™–๐™จ๐™š ๐™Ž๐™ฉ๐™ช๐™™๐™ฎ 101

How to lower your ACOS down to 3% while maintaining ROAS 27% ?

Case-study to control ACOS in high CPC / Cut-throat niches.

๐™๐™š๐™–๐™™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ข๐™š = 5 ๐™ข๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ช๐™ฉ๐™š๐™จ
Ever faced the heat from fierce competition in your niche & have no breathing room?

Follow these Tips to make your lives easier and your accounts more profitable:

โœ…Where avg CPC on TOS > Profit.

โœ…Reducing TOS% results in dropped ranks.
What I did:

โœ… Reduced daily budget on High SV Keyword campaigns with high TOS placement to improve TACOS.

Now the Sales velocity got low, so we had to cover it up with something.

Read 10 tweets
Hibernation Day #293 | Lovely, summer, day. Not too hot, great breeze off the ocean. I fear the rather stiffer breeze a couple of days ago has killed our new fig trees. Brown thumbs all round. Mask level, low even in suburbia. 1/
While there is a bit of a push in legacy media for remasking in the face of the dreaded 7th wave of B.5, I am not sure it will come to much mid-summer. The hysteria is receding. Which brings up an interesting political issue. 2/ #canpoli
The newly bowl cut Prime Minister of all the Canadas is out on a taxpayer funded pre-campaign, tour. Time honoured tradition. And fun watching the little shit doing campaign style events at undisclosed locations for fear of being "mobbed by supporters". 3/ #canpoli
Read 12 tweets
@brianlilley is speculating that Trudeau may call a Fall election. I would be a huge fan of having another chance to bounce the idiot and his incompetent Cabinet but we also have to think about getting the right's house in order. 1/
I am going to assume that @PierrePoilievre will win the @CPC_HQ leadership - if he doesn't I suspect the CPC will collapse in on itself. But let's assume he does. Where does that leave Max and the #PPC? 2/
For the moment we need Max to keep CPC honest and as a ready to go alternative if the Party of Toronto stabs Pierre as they stabbed Max. But if Pierre wins I think the #PPC and the #CPC need to make a deal. 3/
Read 5 tweets
Headlines across legacy media proclaimed that Justin Trudeau was mobbed by fans in Calgary. Yeah, right. In fact it was a couple hundred selected Liberal supporters at a closed event which was not publically announced. Legacy media printed a press release. 1/
Legacy media seems Hell bent on destroying what little public trust it has left. In general it seems perfectly happy to act as a friendly press agent for gov'ts in power. When was the last time Trudeau was asked a hard question? 2/
Legacy media is perfectly happy to accept every word from PHO as "the Science" and therefore beyond question. It has bought into the "truckers as insurrection" story with gusto. 3/
Read 20 tweets
Why is interim #CPC Leader @CandiceBergenMP posing with convoy protestors and endorsing convoy participants? Why, per @MariekeWalsh , is she trying to make the protest Trudeauโ€™s problem? A thread โ€ฆ
First: This protest is all about removing COVID restrictions. The People's Party of Canada is all about removing health restrictions. The only "partisan" symbols I've seen at this protest have been PPC flags
Second: Except for Bernier in the Beauce, no riding had more PPC voters than Bergen's riding of Portage-Lisgar. 9,790 people in her riding voted PPC -- or 21.6% in #elxn44.
Read 6 tweets
Going to pull a few important threads together for everyone. re #FluTruxKlan.

#CPC like #GOP, has courted the far right for several years, however, at some point Frankenstein will always lose control of the monster.

#TruckersForFreedom is an op & grift unleashing extremism.
As of today, Tamara Lich added a new name & called โ€œFreedom Convoy 2022โ€ a โ€œteamโ€ fundraiser. She added Benjamin Dichter (BJ Dichter).

She also once again increased the goal amount to $6M (talk about moving the goalposts).

Who is former #CPC candidate Dichter? #FluTruxKlan
Read 8 tweets


On the off chance - anyone dealing with adult-content G-Ads?
If so - are your client ads still running - or have they been restricted?

As of early this morning - G seem to be kicking adult ads - no note of policy changes or anything :(

#GoogleAds #PPC #Adult
Okay ... so on a call!
Connected, verified (why is that not automated?),
now on hold (1 min so far).

Are we taking bets on how long it takes me to start swearing due to constantly repeating myself?
After the 3rd repeat,
asked for a manager.

Someone is about to have a very bad day :(
Read 4 tweets
Are you having trouble with creating #UTM links? You can use the ''Campaign URL Builder'' website. It is free and useful. ๐Ÿ™Œ

Let's check this out together in 5 minutes!โ€ฆ

For the "website URL" field, use the link of the page which you will track its performance.

The "campaign ID" field represents specific #ad campaigns.
Which platform provides you traffic and directs people to your link? It is your "campaign source."

For example, #Google, #Slack announcement, or partner's weekly newsletter. ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿค›
Read 9 tweets
I went to the #RoyalAlexandriaHospital today to support the hospital staff being #harassed by #AntiVaxxers. I stayed until shortly after 3 pm but the time I was there was... Eventful.

#AbLeg #RAH #Antimaskers #PPC
First, we met THIS "gentleman," who I will call Mr. PPC because he showed up in a grey convertible with a #PPC sign on the dashboard, and a decal at the top of the windshield saying Wildrose. He parked on the grass and came out with a megaphone straight for us. Image
Mr. PPC here gave us three different sob stories about a cousin who relapsed into opioids, a brother-in-law who shot himself, and a third person I don't remember, who died.

Mr. PPC was very adamant (yet completely unclear) that all three deaths were a result of "the lockdown."
Read 26 tweets

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