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Jun 16th 2023
Freitag wird mein "Ich stelle da mal'ne steile #These auf"-Tag!😅

1e hab ich noch. Wird eigentlich kurz & knackig, denn das Hauptthema ist;

Wer behĂ€lt recht und wer muß sich bei wem entschuldigen?

(Thema; #Aufarbeitung , Blickwinkel 848208 oder so)
Bitte bei folgender #Hypothese wirklich nur das #Gedankenspiel mal durchspielen;

angenommen die #Querdenker hĂ€tten mit ihrer #Coronaleugnung 'recht' gehabt. Nehmen wir weiter an, dass Diese dann auch aufgrunddessen ja recht gehabt hĂ€tten, und es gar keine Maßnahmen gebraucht
hĂ€tte, dann wĂ€re ein Entschuldigung, finde ich, angebracht. ABER, man muß bedenken, auch in einer Hypothese, dass es dann aber doch sicherlich innerhalb der #Pandemie bereits genĂŒgend und ausreichend seriöse wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Artikel, Studien (bevorzugt peer reviewed),
Read 15 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
I have a hard time forgiving you because we're three years into your genocide spree - BUT I do forgive you because this will go on indefinitely if we can't get more of you to speak out. I think I replied to you recently saying there is no such term as #AntiVaxxer we just want saf Image
e products and accountability. If you have to have release of any liability then you don't have a product. What's worse is we have drugs available that could have been used for Phase 1 and 2 in year one under Trump but he is such a sellout he allowed President Fauci to dictate te Image
rms and 500,000 innocent civilians died. That blood will forever be on your hands and people just like you. There's no washing that off. You literally killed people with your stupidity. You had the same evidence as me and the rest of us but refused to look at it. You gotta live w Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
De volgende #fekttjekkertjek

Bij de @ANWB is men de weg kwijt. Binnenkort wordt er een helpdesk ingericht met de titel:

'Wie weet waar het brein van @postvanfenna woont.'

Een heel kort draadje. Gewoon, om even te lachen. Da's goed voor iedereen.
Ik ga @KevinMcKernan niet aankondigen. Laten we het er op houden dat hij wel eens iets met DNA heeft gedaan.

Meegewerkt aan het Human Genome Project bijvoorbeeld.

Da's toch net even anders dan de helpdesk van de @ANWB

Pfizer and Moderna bivalent vaccines contain 20-35% expression vector and are transformation competent in E.coli, by @Kevin_McKernan

McKernan schreef deze blog. Best lastig om te lezen voor de gemiddelde leek, maar onmogelijk is het niet.
Read 15 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
Absolutely vile...
@Kate_Whitfield who knew nothing about the risk of blood clots - now proven to be linked to the COVID vaccines...
Disparaged people she knew nothing about.
Just to get ahead in "journalism"

Please post any stories from "mainstream" journalists who wrote articles disparaging #antivaxxers and tag them in the post with the hashtag

Like this disgusting piece from @stephanie_bedo
Remember that these journalists consider themselves elite, and you to be plebs who cannot be trusted to make your own decisions.

You have to be #nudged.
They believe you are too stupid to be allowed a free choice. Or a free vote.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
Het is onvermijdelijk dat ik als criticus van het #coronabeleid en mijn grote scepsis tegen de #mRNAvaccins ook die-hard antivaxxers onder mijn volgers heb. Dat is niet erg.

Maar ik wil een aantal zaken nog eens verduidelijken.

Een draadje.

Wat ik ook in mijn laatste stuk heb geschreven: ik ben geen die-hard #antivaxxer en ook geen blinde vaccinatiefanaticus, door mij ook wel vaccinazi's genoemd.

Ik mag hopen dat dat het woord van het jaar wordt, maar ik heb zo'n donkerbruin vermoeden dat dat er niet in zit. đŸ„ł

Waar gaat het hier om? Een vrouw die kort voor een longtransplantatie staat.

Zij wordt gedwongen om een vaccinatie te nemen met Novavax, anders gaat de longtransplantatie niet door.

Ik ben mordicus tegen dwang, ook hier. Dat mag en kan echt niet.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 13th 2022
Who in #Alberta is Ok with this? "#DanielleSmith..has been especially focused on..vaccines & vaccine mandates(to which she has previously drawn parallels to the Nuremberg trials)..she vowed that if elected, #ab would not enforce any federal vaccine mandates." @calgaryherald
"Nuremberg Code was created in 1947 in Nuremberg, Germany, following the trial of a group of Nazi doctors accused of conducting inhumane and often deadly experiments on prisoners of concentration camps without their consent." FullFact.Org
"At the conclusion of what’s also referred to as ‘The Doctors Trial’, 16 people were found guilty. The Nuremberg Code was developed in response to the horrors of this experimentation, with the aim of protecting human subjects in medical research."
Read 6 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
đŸ§”Introducing : Darlene. This woman has organized @FreedomNova rallies since COVID19 restrictions began in 2020. From flat(earth) out denial of COVID19 being real to present day of supporting Putin's invasion of #UkraineUnderAttack #UkraineRussianWar #Antivaxxer #FluTruxKlan ImageImageImageImage
@FreedomNova She has also organized these rallies with a local evangelical homophobic pastor named Bill.
How do I assume he is homophobic? Let's just say I have my reasons. The Pier boys he grew up with despise him. He also signed a petition with another NS evangelical church to open their doors during a COVID19 outbreak. #pride #homophobia ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Feb 5th 2022
#antivaxxer & 6029679/21 crime number cultist, Barry Paskin attempts to get an update on an investigation that doesn’t exist.

#antivaxxer & 6029679/21 crime number cultist, Barry Paskin attempts to get an update on an investigation that doesn’t exist.

More: Police staff pull the shutters down. The anti-vaxxer says they’ll be back every week to attempt to get a running commentary (on an investigation that isn’t happening).
Read 4 tweets
Feb 5th 2022
NEW â›”ïžđŸ’‰: #Antivaxxer ‘Sovereign Citizen’ / ‘Common Law Constables’ attempt to close down a Mobile Vaccine Clinic in Durham.

NEW â›”ïžđŸ’‰: #Antivaxxer ‘Sovereign Citizen’ / ‘Common Law Constables’ attempt to close down a Mobile Vaccine Clinic in Durham.

NEW â›”ïžđŸ’‰: #Antivaxxer ‘Sovereign Citizen’ / ‘Common Law Constables’ attempt to close down a Mobile Vaccine Clinic in Durham.

Read 12 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
Omicron's wave is at least 386% taller than delta's—and it's crushing hospitals | Ars Technica

#OmicronVariant, #transmissibility, #HealthCareSystemCapacity
How can battery-powered aircraft get off the ground?

Read 20 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
1. So, #Novax #Djokovic's family held a press conference, claiming the anti-vax tennis player was fighting for "personal choice".

Funny, I thought that this was about him fighting to be able to play in the #AustralianOpen.
2. But when the family was asked specifically about #Djokovic's public appearances on December 17th, the day after he found out he was COVID+ (FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!)...

Oh, well then, the family didn't want the attention of cameras anymore and adjourned the press conference.
3. It seems that the family has a distinct preference for unilateral communication during which they talk AT us.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
No nyt pÀÀseekin sitte seuraamaan lÀheltÀ. Vaimon siskon anoppi on sairaanhoitaja ja kÀvi ilmi ettÀ #antivaxxer. Nyt sillÀ on myös positiivinen coronatesti. JÀÀn mielenkiinnolla odottamaan miten tupakoiva ja huonot elintavat omaava jÀÀrÀpÀÀ 50+ sairastaa "nuhan" #koronafi
TilannepÀivitys 1: PÀivÀ 2. Sahaava kuume jatkuu. Noin 38-40 astetta. Hengitys kulkee vielÀ hyvin. Tupakan poltto saa aikaan holtittoman yskÀnkohtauksen. Kotona ei malttaisi pysyÀ.
TilannepÀivitys 2. PÀivÀ 3. Kuume vakiintunut 39 asteeseen. Tupakka ei enÀÀ maistu eikÀ ulos tee mieli. Hengitys kulkee mutta hengÀstyy helposti.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
1/đŸ§” You test positive for #COVID.

Should you take the COVID Pill?
Two free options available soon from stores like Walmart:
1. Paxlovid + Ritonavir
2. Molnupiravir

Who takes them?
Vaxxed or Unvaxxed?
Whats the deal?

Read this new thread to accompany data I posted👇
2/ Once available, people should take eg Paxlovid (2x daily for 5 days regimen) if they

1. are symptomatic
2. have 1 risk factor for progression to severe disease or 60 years and older
3. do not have severe liver and kidney disease.
3/ That’s who was studied. The Paxlovid study is not out yet so I’m waiting to read the list of risk factors but it’s stuff like obesity, immunosuppression, diabetes, asthma & hypertension.

Will this drug benefit people at less risk? Probably but we don’t know yet definitively.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
Phil Mcloughlin and his group of #antivaxxer friends turn up at a hospital with sovereign citizen BS to try & remove a sick elderly man from getting the care that he needs.
This is becoming a regular accordance & NHS staff don't need these idiots giving them abuse.
Part 2
Phil Mcloughlin and his group of #antivaxxer friends turn up at a hospital with sovereign citizen BS to try & remove a sick elderly man from getting the care that he needs.
This is becoming a regular occurrence & NHS staff don't need these idiots giving them abuse
part 3
Phil Mcloughlin and his group of #antivaxxer friends turn up at a hospital with sovereign citizen BS to try & remove a sick elderly man from getting the care that he needs.
This is becoming a regular occurrence & NHS staff don't need these idiots giving them abuse
Read 15 tweets
Dec 11th 2021
Rain to replace snow in the Arctic as climate heats, study finds

#Arctic, #rain, #snow, #ClimateChange, #models
The United States Is Not “a Nation of Immigrants”

#USA, #immigrants, #multiculturalism, #ColonialHistory, #settlers
Read 18 tweets
Oct 19th 2021
Is anyone at @thismorning interested in knowing that #BeverleyTurner is advocating the use of #Ivermectin for “home based treatment” of #COVID19?

Not satisfied w/ the relentless spreading of #COVIDDisinformation she’s now pushing a drug that has no benefit.
Anyone would think the #WorldCouncilForHealth had a vested interest in promoting it’s guide and the use of Ivermectin?

@Ofcom @ITV @Matthew_Wright #ThisMorning #BeverleyTurner
And imagine my surprise when I saw the list of Steering Group Members included @AnnadeBuisseret - a prominent #antivaxxer who has been inciting HATRED & VIOLENCE towards HCPs?

@karamballes @_johnbye @NafeezAhmed @BylineTimes @KatyMcconkey @mariannaspring @doctor_oxford
Read 5 tweets
Oct 1st 2021
One night when a guy was watching #FauxNews he learned about a new virus that was rapidly spreading and quickly killing those who contracted it.
The nightly news reports got worse and worse, the #Covid19 virus was spreading around the world and killing increasingly large numbers of people. But he wasn’t concerned, he knew he’d be OK because he prayed to God nightly and knew God would protect him.
Not long after a spokesman who worked for the administration and other scientific and medical sources started saying people should wear masks to filter out the virus when they were in public or even in private gatherings with others. Wearing a mask could save you, they said.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 24th 2021
So I decided to come by Scarborough Town Centre and can confirm that's there's a small antivax demonstration happening here. Many familiar faces from the video taken at Eaton Centre. #Toronto #Cdnpoli #antivaxxers #Scarborough
Compared to the Eaton Centre video where they kept to themselves this time the group could be seen gojng out of their way to interact with other patrons at Scarborough Town Centre
#cdnpoli #Toronto #Scarborough #ONpoli
Immediately following that interaction a bunch of them left their tables and began to hound @ConsumerSOS who was there for @globalnews accusing the journalists of working for the Government or CSIS
#cdnpoli #Toronto #ScarbTO #onpoli
Read 5 tweets
Sep 16th 2021
Girl, 4, dies of #Covid 'passed on by anti-vax mum'
 <--- So many of these stories in #fakenews MSM now. It's like the 'rona is a vengeful god and will strike down unbelievers, and even those near and dear to them! Really is a full on #deathcult.
Mum and daughter die just two weeks apart after refusing vaccine
 <--- Another vengeful 'rona story. Reluctant to tell of jab-related deaths, adverse reactions even tho thousands officially recorded. Always say conditions these folk suffer are "rare".
DUP councillor who shared anti-vax messages online dies after contracting Covid
 <--- See, this is what happens people. If you don't get the jab the 'rona will come after you. And you'll go higher up his hit list if you are dissing it online.
Read 24 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
I went to the #RoyalAlexandriaHospital today to support the hospital staff being #harassed by #AntiVaxxers. I stayed until shortly after 3 pm but the time I was there was... Eventful.

#AbLeg #RAH #Antimaskers #PPC
First, we met THIS "gentleman," who I will call Mr. PPC because he showed up in a grey convertible with a #PPC sign on the dashboard, and a decal at the top of the windshield saying Wildrose. He parked on the grass and came out with a megaphone straight for us. Image
Mr. PPC here gave us three different sob stories about a cousin who relapsed into opioids, a brother-in-law who shot himself, and a third person I don't remember, who died.

Mr. PPC was very adamant (yet completely unclear) that all three deaths were a result of "the lockdown."
Read 26 tweets
Aug 29th 2021
THREAD on COVID-19 vaccines and #AntiVaxxers. Here we go
A large study involving close to 2 million people in Israel shows that COVID vaccine is much safer than catching the virus.

The death toll from #COVID19 in Oregon is climbing so rapidly in some counties that the state has organized delivery of one refrigerated truck to hold the bodies and is sending a second one.

Read 157 tweets
Aug 21st 2021
đŸ”„In Dec 2020 Right Wing conspiracy theorist Phil Valentine tweeted "I have a very low risk of A) Getting COVID and B) dying of it if I do. Why would I risk getting a heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?" He died.

🩠 Republican anti mask and antivaxxer @RepBarryMoore and his wife Heather
have #Covid19. He’s just upset that he can’t go to Trump’s Alabama rally

đŸ˜ČRepublican State Rep. Chris Johansen from Maine lost his wife to #COVID last week and this week he went to an #antivaxxer rally

Read 4 tweets
Aug 18th 2021
Ik ben in mijn kinderjaren voor van alles gevaccineerd (60’r jaren) Gediend bij de Marine, nogmaals een paar vaccinaties, 2010 bij buitenlandse reis in overleg met huisarts 2 x geprikt voor weet ik wat 
 corona infectie doorlopen (3-2020) 12 maanden na infectie 6358.45 BAU/ML 👉
aantoonbare neturtraliserende antistoffen.
Ik laat me niet wegzetten als #antivaxxer wel als pienter persoon die zelfstandig kan denken, onderzoek doet (#wappie). Een experimenteel goedje waarvan de lange termijn effecten onbekend zijn. Een minimale dataset, een wetswijziging 👉
die het mogelijk maakt een gentherapie gebaseerde shot als klassiek vaccin te keuren, daarmee het onderzoek op genotoxiciteit van het goedje te kunnen omzeilen, laat ik niet in mijn lijf spuiten en al helemaal niet na een aantoonbaar goedwerkende natuurlijk immuunsysteem 👉
Read 14 tweets
Jul 14th 2021
1/đŸ§” I’m surrounded by an #AntiVaxxer govt now willing to hurt kids!
👎 My home state of #Tennessee made the BONEHEADED decision to halt outreach to kids on ALL #Vaccination, NOT just #COVID19. I’ve lived here since 1997. I’m embarrassed, angry & sad.
2/ Our Department of Health is halting “all adolescent vaccine outreach for ALL diseases.” What? So we aren’t going to protect our precious kids against Tetanus, Pertussis, Diphtheria, Rotavirus, H flu, hepatitis, pneumonia, meningitis, HPV (which leads to cancer)?

3/ GONE are Postcards to teens to remind them to get a second #COVID #Vaccine shot...but adults still get the postcards. Why? “Potential solicitation to a minor.” WHAT? No, this is called #PublicHealth.

Why should adults get promotions toward #wellness and not kids?

Read 6 tweets

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