Lulu Friesdat Profile picture
Co-Founder & Exec Director @SMART_elections, TEDx Speaker Award-winning Journalist/Documentary Filmmaker I'm #Neurodivergent ru?

Aug 26, 2019, 7 tweets

Excited to announce we have an offer of up to $5,000 in matching funds for $$ raised via our GoFundMe thru the end of Sept! $ raised so far will be included! Thx to those who donated! Can you plz give as much as you can today to support #ElectionSecurity!…

2. Your donation will help me edit/distribute footage of #hackers dominating #election equipment from the @VotingVillageDC at #DEFCON27. #Voting machines & #registration databases from all over US were hacked/ all of it is in use. This port? easy to #hack.…

3. Your donation also supports my writing - like the op-ed I wrote for #TheHill describing what easy pickings our #voting machines are for #hackers.… The piece was shared almost 3k times.…

4. In my column for #TheHill I discuss urgent steps that must be taken to ensure that #2020Election results are accurate. Please make a donation to support our #SMARTelections #CountTheVote initiative to monitor & assess the accuracy of the count!…

5. On Friday, I discussed the latest #security fiasco in #NorthCarolina w/ #TheBradblog. Vendors continue to buy their way into our #voting booths via donations to both political parties & how #SMARTelections is putting up roadblocks via #CountTheVote.

6. These matching funds are a unique opportunity for us to raise an additional $5,000 from your donation. The photo below shows an unprotected USB port a #hacker could use to install malware. Plz help us reach our goal today! #SMARTelections #2020Elections…

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