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A project of Climate Analytics (@CA_Latest) and NewClimate Institute (@newclimateinst).

Dec 10, 2019, 6 tweets

See our new #COP25Madrid update: little sign of government action in the face of the #climate crisis. Their policies still take us to 3˚C, twice the #ParisAgreement warming limit. briefing: Watch our pressconf here [re-thread]

The emissions gap in 2100 really has not decreased a great deal. #COP25Madrid. Noting this is not steady state warming, but simply warming in 2100

Details of government action: there are more governments this year on the 2˚C compatible list. We have added #kenya to our assessment this year, a country dealing with two proposed #coal plants it doesn't need. #COP25Madrid #India could be 1.5˚C compatible

Our "Insufficient" rating category is a long list of big industrialised countries, many of whom are not going to meet their already underwhelming #NDCs, despite acknowledging in Paris they were not enough. The #uk is a new addition to our assessment

Another newcomer to the CAT assessment this year is #Germany, which we have rated "Highly insufficient" and it's not on track to meet its target. Others' #NDCs are clearly not good enough, if they're already on track to meet them. #COP25Madrid

Lastly, the worst performers. Unfortunately Viet Nam, new to our assessment this year, is "Critically Insufficient" - despite being so vulnerable to #climate impacts, it is heavily dependent on #coal. #COP25Madrid

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