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Dec 10, 2019, 9 tweets

#BREAKING a new coalition is forming to demand the federal government release the true costs of the #TransMountain pipeline.

We’re #live at @UBCIC at #StopTMX #cdnpoli #ClimateJustice

Eugene Kung from @WCELaw discusses how it is harder to get access to information about the pipeline now that it is federally owned.

How is the Canadian government less transparent than a Texas-based pipeline corporation? #TMX #cdnpoli

“There is a good chance this pipeline will never be paid off” and the Canadian taxpayer will be left to deal the costs.

Sounds like a solid economic move in the middle of a #ClimateCrisis, huh? 🙃🤦‍♀️

“Since the sale the federal government has gone dark about the pipeline.... and Canadians need to wonder why. Likely the costs have skyrocketed” says Alexandra Woodsworth of @dogwoodbc

“The lack of transparency around Trans Mountain should be on the mind of everyone in Canada... where is the transparency and accountability with the Canadian government?”

Kukpi7 Judy Wilson questions the rising costs of #TransMountain

“The investments should be in our communities for the quality of life.”

Kukpi7 Judy Wilson talks about the misuse of funds when Indigenous communities need access to basic human rights like clean drinking water. #ClinateJustice

“The battle will continue as the months unfold... We have more available to us to challenge the rights end of this project.”

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip confirms that the work to stop #TransMountain is only growing

#StopTMX #ProtectTheInlet

“It’s pathetic to witness the public postering of the proponents of this project... all that is, is blustering and postering, and does not represent the uncertainty of this project.” -Grand Chief Stewart Phillip @UBCIC

Sign the petition to demand transparency for the #TransMountain pipeline at…

#StopTMX #cdnpoli #climatejustice

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