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garrison davis / writer + host for It Could Happen Here on @coolzonemedia / hrtwink / new article ⬇️

Sep 26, 2020, 21 tweets

At Delta Park in Portland Oregon, the Proud Boys haveing been planning a rally here for weeks. An Antifascist rally is happening at Peninsula Park. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

Lots of riot cops and state troopers in the surrounding area where the Proud Boys are and another counter rally near Vanport. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

At the north entrance of Delta Park. Portland Police are staged there, across the way from the Proud Boys. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

Journalists @IwriteOK and @45thabsurdist inquire with Portland Police Officer about non law enforcement individuals operating an armed checkpoint to enter in the park. Portland law dictates you cannot open carry with loaded magazines or ammo without a CHL. #ProudBoys

America Wolf limo just drove by the entrance. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

Person in the Proud Boy rally threatening press as they enter the park. They continued to make threats even after I stopped filming. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

Small numbers of Proud Boys and other groups moving around. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

“If you don’t want the whole fire and brimstone thing happening to you, get the duck out of here, I’m telling you.”

More threats against press and telling press to leave. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

More harassing press, dude gets pulled away by other right wing demonstrators. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

Multiple press members got assaulted by Proud Boy types. A crowd quickly forms around the area. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

A group of Proud Boys move for a photo op, right after some right wing demonstrators assaulted press, while others did try to deescalate. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

I have more footage of the Proud Boy rally on a DSLR, I will post some when I get the opportunity later today or at worst tomorrow.

Back at 12:43, folks gearing up outside the American Wolf limo. Right before I received my first physical threat. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #PortlandOregon

Moved to Peninsula Park where the Antifascist rally is being held. The crowd here seems to outnumber the Proud Boy group at Delta Park. There is another BLM car caravan as well. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #BLM #blacklivesmatter #PortlandOregon

Around 500 people in Peninsula Park for the Antifascist rally, the Proud Boys’ numbers were estimated to be 200-300 by multiple journalists. #ProudBoys #Portland #deltapark #antifa #BLM #blacklivesmatter #PortlandOregon

“I love the Llama” -Robert Evans @IwriteOK Sept. 26th 2020

Around 100 BLM folks in Irvine Park, next to where the car caravan is driving through. There’s a display about the eviction and homeless crisis. #blacklivesmatter #BLM #PortlandProtest #portland #PDX #portlandoregon

BLM car caravan from Vanport at Irvine Park now. Reports that the Proud Boy rally has mostly dissolved. #BlackLivesMatter #blm #PortlandProtest #Portland #PortlandOregon #PDXprotests #pdx #ProudBoys #antifa

Proud Boys’ leader, Enrique Terrio, just posted on Parler “Victory.”

Meanwhile on a Proud Boy telegram, they express disappointment at the lack of antifa at Delta Park & complain about press being there. #Proudboys #portland #antifa

Also in a Proud Boy telegram, members are posting screenshots and discussing the Direct Action protest plans for tonight that are found inside a Portland BLM telegram group.

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