** Research on a Post-it #MyPint21**
For @pintofscience's #Pint21 early career scientist Miranda Burke @beeingmirands invited our researchers to tell us about their projects through the medium of the humble sticky-note!
👇Here's a thread of their creations 👇
#MyPint21 from Mark Hamilton @Mark_H_22
“I’m researching how #coral reef degradation affects small-scale #tropical reef fisheries, incl. productivity, catch rates, fishing activity & diets in #fishing communities”
@ENVISIONDTP @LecReefs #Pint21 @LancsUniSciTech #GradSchEnv
#MyPint21 from Mike Roberts & collaborator Estrella Luna @ELunaDiez
"#Plants can use their experiences of stress to 'prime' their offspring to be more resilient. We're trying to understand how they do it."
@BBSRC @N8agrifood #PlantSci @GlobalPlantGPC #Pint21 @LancsUniSciTech
#MyPint21 from Catherine Walsh @catheri24328981
“Investigating the effects of C2 #photosynthesis to optimise yield, nutrition and #flavour in wild rocket crops.”
@WaitroseCTP @BBRSC @LancsPhotosynth #Pint21 @LancsUniSciTech #PlantSci @GlobalPlantGPC #Food
#MyPint21 from Andy Yuille @Andy_Yuille
Investigating #democracy in neighbourhood planning: “Participatory democracy lets people have their say. Why are the things that matter to them often not heard? How can we do better?”
@ESRC #Pint21 @LancsUniSciTech
#MyPint21 from Alejandro Moure Abelenda @AlejandroMoureA
Alejandro is investigating ways to reuse waste matter to improve soil & create building materials. Watch videos of his latest experiment:
#Pint21 @LancsUniSciTech
Now a #MyPint21 from our #Pint21 project leader Miranda Burke @beeingmirands herself!
“Can we reduce #food waste in the supply chain from farm to fork? Using spectroscopy for early detection of spoilage”
@BBRSC @UKRI @WaitroseCTP @LancsUniSciTech #FoodWaste
#MyPint21 from Hollie Blaydes @Hollieblaydes
Hollie is investigating the potential for solar parks to boost #pollinator populations.
📰Full story: lancaster.ac.uk/lec/about-us/n…
@ENVISIONDTP @lowcarbon_UK @Energy_Environ #Pint21 @LancsUniSciTech #Renewables #energy #solarpower #bees
#MyPint21 from Heather Moorhouse @h_notts
“Investigating the social-environmental characteristics of tropical Asian mega-delta ponds, the challenges they face & their current & future ability to satisfy @UN #SDGs”
@livingdeltas #Pint21 @LancsUniSciTech #SustainableDevelopment
#MyPint21 from Sam Cusworth @samcusworth
“Plasticulture. The use of #plastics in #agriculture. So many negatives. So many positives. Which way will the scales shift?”
@WaitroseCTP @BBRSC @UKRI #Pint21 @LancsUniSciTech #Food #Farming
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