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Aug 1, 2021, 16 tweets

Would anyone take a look into some interesting links I discovered today re schools policy & #COVID19?

@NafeezAhmed @Hardeep_Matharu @BylineTimes @carolecadwalla @dgurdasani1 @IndependentSage @Zubhaque @Dr2NisreenAlwan @theAliceRoberts @GabrielScally @karamballes @HoppySaul

I read with interest the @thetimes article on #schools which claimed triumphantly that daily #LateralFlowTests of close #COVID contacts is as good as or better at reducing ongoing transmission & that indeed “Schools do not spread COVID”.


Here is the article incase you can’t see it because it’s behind a paywall.

Have a read….

So I decided to look at the study myself.

And also noted who was keen to spread the results.


Interestingly the trial lead supports views & comments like this from👇🏼 @DrHoenderkamp who is a member of @hartgroup_org & doesn’t believe 😷s reduce #coronavirus transmission. 5/

And the trial lead also retweeted these comments👇🏼from @rwjdingwall who we know is/was on the #JCVI & #Nervtag & has significant influence on school policy & the vaccination of children. 6/

And also retweeted this from @thelucyjohnston ….which would appear #antimitigation & pro- @UsforThemUK .

When you look a bit deeper you will find that the same names keep popping up…

Lots of “you pat my back & i’ll pat yours” stuff going on between @ShamezLadhani @MAbsoud @sunilbhop @apsmunro & @UsforThemUK ….almost as if they were linked….or had shared interests???

Oh, and don’t forget these retweeted @Telegraph articles, themselves retweeted by @UsforThemUK. 9/


Note that Dr Ros Jones is a member of @UsforThemUK AND @hartgroup_org & comments from the same clinicians are endorsed by @UsforThemUK too.

And also @ShamezLadhani’s views on the #COVIDvaccination of 12-18yr olds.

It seems odd to me that a fellow medic would make statements that might deter others from getting vaccinated?

One other thing that troubled me …. Links to @PHE_uk ….

As a dr still still wearing inadequate #PPE seeing patients who do or may have #COVID19 & some who cannot access #PCR tests because of the inadequate symptom criteria, you’ll forgive me for not being a fan!

I’ll leave this here & hope someone w/ more scientific/journalistic expertise than I will follow up probable links btn @ShamezLadhani @sunilbhop @MAbsoud @apsmunro @UsforThemUK @rwjdingwall @DrHoenderkamp & Dr Ros Jones that may be relevant 2 decisions re #COVID19 & schools!

Omitted the study ….

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