I read with interest the @thetimes article on #schools which claimed triumphantly that daily #LateralFlowTests of close #COVID contacts is as good as or better at reducing ongoing transmission & that indeed “Schools do not spread COVID”. 2/
Interestingly the trial lead supports views & comments like this from👇🏼 @DrHoenderkamp who is a member of @hartgroup_org & doesn’t believe 😷s reduce #coronavirus transmission. 5/
And the trial lead also retweeted these comments👇🏼from @rwjdingwall who we know is/was on the #JCVI & #Nervtag & has significant influence on school policy & the vaccination of children. 6/
It seems odd to me that a fellow medic would make statements that might deter others from getting vaccinated? 12/
One other thing that troubled me …. Links to @PHE_uk ….
As a dr still still wearing inadequate #PPE seeing patients who do or may have #COVID19 & some who cannot access #PCR tests because of the inadequate symptom criteria, you’ll forgive me for not being a fan! 13/
@NHSuk advice to “Stay well this winter” should include “#WearAMask if you need to attend a hospital or healthcare setting” & “Try to improve the ventilation of your home/workplace”.
Govt medics & health ‘leaders’ PLEASE LISTEN to @RoyLilley who clearly explains the disastrous (negligent) decision to pretend washing your hands will protect you from AIRBORNE INFECTIONS like #COVID_19, Flu, RSV, & even Norovirus which is partly spread via an airborne route. 2/
To safely assess & diagnose what’s causing the pain, a HCP needs excellent history taking & examination skills plus the knowledge/wisdom to know when a patient needs further investigations or referral/admission to hospital.
These skills take years to develop & longer to hone.
Can I put in a polite request for some basic Infection Prevention & Control in hospitals?
Patient w/ cough, SOB & fever (& partner w/ ‘cold’ symptoms) sat in a heaving waiting room for 5 hours, coughing…& MASKLESS!
@AmandaPritchard @NHSEnglandNMD
Despite being triaged on entry, the patient (who was quite unwell) was not asked to put on a mask or requested to do a #COVID test until being seen in our area by my NP colleague.
It took < 30secs seeing the patient to suspect they had #COVID19 …& guess what 🤔 …they did!
Partner had ‘cold’ symptoms for 3-4 days before the patient developed SOB worsening over 24hrs.
Of concern, the fully vaccinated patient previously had severe #COVID, requiring ITU & months in 🏥. Unfortunately despite this past experience no #COVID tests had been done.
@MatthiasMuell15 summarises brilliantly exactly how so many of us feel & why it is vital that you allow #BaronessHallett access to ALL the WhatsApp messages she has requested 🙏🏼.
We will never forget the fear that caring for patients with #COVID in DIY PPE engendered & knowing that govt decisions over PPE contracts denied 1000s of us adequate protection is particularly disturbing.
Have you really forgotten the weekly claps of 2020?
Our friends/colleagues & loved ones died in their 1000s from COVID, because of COVID & as a result of a very poor UK government pandemic response & countless extremely bad decisions…
I can only assume that you are able to block out the avoidable harm & visceral pain felt by millions of ppl in the UK, since Mar 2020, which could have been lessened by us having a decent, honest, compassionate PM who wasn’t only interested in himself & furthering his career?
You know the type of ppl I am referring to…
Those who died of #COVID, many alone or in hospital, those who couldn’t be w/ their sick or dying loved ones, those who couldn’t attend births/weddings/graduations/funerals/special PARTIES 🍾🥂🎉