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Mar 31st 2022
The situation in the #NHS is as bad as I’ve ever known it.

Multiple HCWs in our area are off sick with #COVID - nurses, consultants, GPs…all likely to be triple vaxed so they should avoid serious illness but still a risk of #LongCovid.

The impact on ALL HEALTHCARE is HUGE!
Operations, procedures, investigations, treatments, therapies….are delayed & cancelled every single day.

Waits for urgent care in A+E/UTCs is ⬆️, pressure on the ambulance service⬆️.

Care ACROSS the #NHS is being negatively affected by staff absences & a lack of beds.
Care in some areas is no longer safe, in many it can only be described as ‘adequate’.

As @RachaelMaskell points out, hospitalisations are ⬆️….A LOT! Even admissions for other problems will be made more challenging if the patient has #COVID19.

Yet @sajidjavid does nothing?!
Read 10 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
Now I’m getting really angry @GavinWilliamson @educationgovuk

This document isn’t t worth the paper/screen it’s written on!

Who advised you on this unscientific, dangerous nonsense?

@PHE_uk by any chance?
The same PHE that has failed HCPs on #PPE throughout the pandemic?
Just for a moment put the children, staff & families who’re being unnecessarily exposed to #COVID19 day after day in schools that are almost completely MITIGATION FREE.

Who’ll be caring for #COVID patients in the INEVITABLE, but AVOIDABLE surge that we’re at the start of?
WHO Mr Williamson?

My HCP/NHS colleagues have for 18/12, & will continue to, put our lives, & those of our loved ones, at ⬆️risk to provide the care that patients w/ #COVID19 need across ALL healthcare settings & in their homes.

Day in day out!

@TheDA_UK @sbattrawden
Read 17 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
So, proof that @10DowningStreet & @educationgovuk are….

NOT trying to ⬇️transmission in schools

NOT trying to prevent children, staff, families getting acute or #LongCovid

NOT planning to do ANYTHING to physically protect CV/CEV children or those w/ CV/CEV family members.
The plan is to “MAXIMISE NUMBERS in f2f education” & “MINIMISE CONTROL MEASURES that disrupt education”.

In the absence of #COVIDVaccination for the overwhelming majority of <16s, ZERO PHYSICAL MITIGATIONS will result in a very large amount of infection.

The use of #LateralFlowTests is advisory.

And w/ Prof Dingwall throwing his “let’s not bother improving ventilation” oar into the ring, there’s diminishing hope that 🇬🇧children & staff will be offered anything other than an OPEN WINDOW to protect them from #coronavirus.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
Hello MSM👋 waiting for someone to expose the SCANDAL of #COVID19UK, our children & young ppl.

The web of players, the links to the #CRG & other @Conservatives MPs, @hartgroup_org, @UsforThemUK, #GreatBarringtonDeclaration advocates, @Telegraph @Daily_Express journalists……1/11
The relentless stream of #COVIDDisinformation, which has been supported & retweeted by a small group of “like minded” medical professionals who should know better.

I’ve absolutely no doubt that issues w/ 2nd vaccines for 18-30yr olds & the pause on 12-18yr old 💉s are linked.
Is it too cynical to believe that withholding full vaccination of the <30s & not vaccinating even CV/CEV 12-18yr olds during the summer holidays is related to a desire to INCREASE #coronavirus TRANSMISSION as part of the #HerdImmunityByInfection “strategy”……with a NOVEL VIRUS!!
Read 12 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
I read with interest the @thetimes article on #schools which claimed triumphantly that daily #LateralFlowTests of close #COVID contacts is as good as or better at reducing ongoing transmission & that indeed “Schools do not spread COVID”.
Here is the article incase you can’t see it because it’s behind a paywall.

Have a read….
Read 16 tweets
May 18th 2021
1/6 Can someone please ask the #PrimeMinister @ tomorrow’s #PMQs whether he has any idea what the answers to these questions are?

Ideally @Keir_Starmer or @kate_green?
But in the absence of @UKLabour’s support 4 effective mitigations in schools I’m not holding me breath.
2/This “human experiment” is being conducted on CHILDREN FGS!

They may have parents who are not yet vaccinated or CEV. There are large numbers of teaching staff who are <40.

How is this even remotely ethical @MattHancock?
3/ We have the #IndianVariant spreading across the country...v few mitigations left in place...households mixing freely in many indoor children no longer required to #WearAMask

Read 6 tweets
Mar 6th 2021
Another excellent, practical resource for school heads to use to improve mitigation w/in UK schools.
As approx 10M ppl mix w/ virtually none of this in place it’s hard to believe that it won’t result in kicking off another #COVID19 surge w/ a BIG BANG! 1/8
Everyone able to effect change should read it & consider which side of the DEBATE they wish to be in over next few months.
False reassurances about the use of #lateralflowtests by the government & those prepared to support them on TV/media have attempted to hide to truth. 2/
Celebrity #antimaskers have continued to apply pressure & w/ the help of #Tory backed #UsForThem have successfully made #Masksinclass an OPTION, whilst children across the world, as young as 6 #WearAMask at school w/ out complaint or issue.
Dangerous #BritishExceptionalism! 3/
Read 8 tweets
Jan 11th 2021
1) If both #NHS & @GOVUK websites have ONLY 3 symptoms with NO comment about other possible symptoms 1 of 2 things will happen. People WITH #COVID19 won’t realise they need or be able to access a test. OR those people that know there are more symptoms will have to lie to get one.
2)So there will be 1000s of ppl W/ #COVID19 oblivious that they have it & returning to work/school as soon as their symptoms have gone. Add to this that headteachers can only request a test for a child OR send a contact home based on those 3 SYMPTOMS huge numbers will be missed.
3)Then consider that the much hailed #lateralflowtest s have a very high FALSE NEGATIVE rate AND that they’re going to be used widely across educational settings to AVOID children & staff isolating.
This is a recipe for an ABSOLUTE DISASTER!
Read 8 tweets

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